The Emperor of Japan expected at the funeral of Elizabeth II

It would be his first trip abroad since his enthronement in 2019: Emperor Naruhito of Japan is expected at the funeral of the late sovereign Elizabeth II, local Japanese media announced on Saturday. The Emperor had planned to visit the UK on his first overseas trip after taking office following his father’s abdication, but the visit was postponed due to the pandemic. According to Japanese public broadcaster NHK citing official sources on Saturday, the government and the imperial household are in the midst of preparations.

It would be a rather unusual gesture for Naruhito, underlines the daily Mainichi Shimbun. The Emperor of Japan does not usually attend funerals outside of its borders. This time, Empress Masako is also expected to attend the funeral, condition permitting, according to local media.

Close ties

The Japanese press highlights the close ties between members of the British and Japanese royal families. Naruhito’s father, Akihito, was present in 1953 at the coronation of Elizabeth II, in his capacity as Crown Prince of Japan. In 1975, Elizabeth II visited Japan, a first for a British monarch. She then met Emperor Hirohito, Naruhito’s grandfather.

In a statement released after the monarch’s death, Naruhito praised her “many achievements and contributions“, also part of”his deep sadness“.

The Emperor, who studied at the prestigious Oxford University, also thanked Elizabeth II for “the many considerations she [lui] granted during [ses] studies and [ses] UK tours“.

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