the employers are proposing a new salary scale with “an average increase of 16%”

Faced with strong recruitment difficulties, the hotel and restaurant business is showing its willingness to break the bank. During the second negotiation session with the employee unions, the Union des métiers et des industries de l’hôtellerie (UMIH), the main employers’ organization in the sector, the National Group of Independents (GNI), the National Group of Hotel Chains (GNC) and the National Syndicate of Thematic and Commercial Catering (SNRTC) announced Thursday, December 16 a new salary scale ensuring a minimum wage greater than 5% than the minimum wage. This will result “By an average increase of 16.33% compared to the current grid”, specifies a joint statement.

This grid, validated by the entire employer’s college, will be submitted for signature to the trade union organizations of employees from Monday until January 17. She ensures “A minimum remuneration higher by 5% than the minimum wage from the first level of the grid”, according to employer representatives, who speak of a “Historical effort”.

“We are a long way off the mark, the attractiveness of the professions in this sector requires a significant investment, as the accumulated delay in terms of remuneration is significant”, however deplored the CGT (first union of the branch) in a press release.

“We can not give more in a health context that is hardening, with companies still very fragile, not out of the tunnel: you have to know how to stop a negotiation, we have done the maximum”, declared Thierry Grégoire, the negotiator of the UMIH.

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“A sad parody”

“The grid will start at 11.01 euros, against 10.57 euros, at 1er January, lamented Nabil Azzouz, FO negotiator (third organization in the branch). This represents only 4% increase for the first level, knowing that 80% of the workforce is found in the first two levels. “

Employers’ organizations claim to have proposed a “Social calendar for the first half of 2022, in order to continue the discussion on the attractiveness of the branch”. “The employers refused to commit to its content, so we asked the ministry to officially integrate it on the 13th.e month, the remuneration for cuts and the Sunday increase “, added Mr. Azzouz.

“After fifteen years of inconsistent social dialogue, this negotiation is a sad parody intended to endorse the billions of euros in public aid which have kept the sector on a drip for two years”, finally believes the CGT.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers “We are going to have to realize that people are no longer forced to work at mercy”: in the hotel and catering industry, the number of employees leaving is increasing

The World with AFP

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