The end of Android? Google changes course

Google I/O 2024 was an opportunity for Google to unveil its latest technological innovations. But this year, a distinguished guest was missing: Android. So, a simple oversight or a real turning point for Google?

Source: Google

This year, the opening conference of Google I/O 2024 had a big surprise in store for Android fans. For the first time, the new version of the mobile operating system was not at the heart of the opening keynote. Sure, Android was mentioned, but it was relegated to a side topic, to be covered later in the developer conference.

So, why this choice on the part of Google? Instead, a flood of announcements focused on artificial intelligence dominated the scene, relegating Android to almost anecdotal mention. This lack of focus on Android raises questions about the future of our favorite operating system.

Threatened by OpenAI, Microsoft, Meta… Google has made a clear strategic choice: invest massively in artificial intelligence.

Source: Google

The company mentioned AI more than 120 times at the conference, unveiling an array of innovations based on Gemini, their flagship language model. From Gemini Advanced to Google Veo, including Project Astra, each announcement illustrates Google’s desire to redefine the user experience through AI.

Android 15 in the background

The notable absence of news regarding Android 15 has not gone unnoticed. Although Beta 2 is available tomorrow, this announcement was drowned out among demonstrations of Gemini’s capabilities.

Source: Google

The real-time scam detection functionality, one of the rare new Android features mentioned, illustrates this decline in interest. The lack of enthusiasm for Android 15 stands in stark contrast to the excitement generated by advances in AI.

A redefinition of Google’s identity

This choice to put AI at the center of the conference rather than Android seems to indicate a redefinition of Google’s priorities. AI is now the cornerstone of its ecosystem. It’s no longer mobile.

The beginning of the end for Android?

This shift in focus could mark the beginning of the end for Android as we know it. The lack of hardware announcements and the lack of emphasis on Android 15 could signal a transitional phase where AI takes precedence over the development of new versions of the operating system.

Android, once the heart of Google’s innovation, now appears to be becoming a support for new AI technologies, rather than a flagship product in its own right.

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