The end of the indoor mask is looming, Royal sees the useful vote at Mélenchon, a French slalomer who won gold in Beijing… News from this Wednesday

Most of today’s news.


The end of the mask at the office, at school and in transport “probably mid-March”. Optimism is winning over the executive and the thinning of the epidemic seems to be taking shape. The compulsory wearing of the mask indoors (in transport, businesses, schools) and the vaccination pass (except in nightclubs) could be lifted in a month, “if the conditions are met”, anticipated this Wednesday morning the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. Find all the information on the Covid in our live of the day

For Ségolène Royal “the useful vote on the left is the Mélenchon vote”. Invited this Tuesday evening on BFMTV, the former presidential finalist in 2008 estimated that the one who dominates the polls on the left with 11% of voting intentions was the only one who could create a rallying dynamic capable of propelling the left to the second round. . “He is the one who professionally makes the best campaign, who is rounding off the angles compared to what could displease him, who is able to answer all the questions, who is structured, who is cultured , who has the experience of a presidential campaign…. So he’s the strongest.” Because a presidential election is a story of dynamics and circumstances, the rebellious candidate can still climb to the second round of voting. Read our post.

At the RATP, traffic will be severely disrupted on Friday. In conflict with the management on the extent of the salary increases, the inter-union (CGT, FO, Unsa, CFE-CGC, Solidaires and La Base) managed to mobilize the agents well: eight metro lines closed. Most of the other lines will run in very reduced service on this day of departure on vacation.

In dire need of sponsorship, Taubira’s supporters are sounding the alarm before the Constitutional Council. The fateful date of March 4 is approaching dangerously, the day when the Constitutional Council no longer accepts new sponsorships from elected officials, and the former Keeper of the Seals currently counts 73. A figure well below its competitors on the left . His supporters are organizing a rally this Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m.

Gérald Darmanin wants to dismiss the insulting policeman. After the prefect of police of Paris who announced the opening of an investigation IGPN, it is the turn of the Minister of the Interior to condemn the police officer suspended for having left without his knowledge a voice message to a woman having filed a complaint for sexual assault, in which he insulted her for “fat bitch”.

Prince Andrew signs an agreement in the Epstein case. The day after the announcement of a sealed agreement between Prince Andrew, second son of the Queen of England, and Virginia Giuffre, victim of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who accuses the royal of sexual assault when she was a minor, the United Kingdom questions the future of the Duke of York. Prince Andrew avoids a – very damaging – detour to the New York court.

The Court of Justice of the EU towards financial sanctions against Hungary and Poland. The CJEU ruled this Wednesday morning: the conditionality of European funds is in accordance with the treaties. This mechanism, put on the table during the long negotiations on the recovery plan for the summer of 2020, makes it possible to freeze the subsidies intended for Member States, if they trample on the rule of law and endanger the proper use of funds. Called for with insistence by the countries of Northern Europe and the European Parliament, it found fierce opponents in Poland and Hungary.

Clément Noël, the slalom of the situation at the Beijing Olympics. The French skier won the gold medal in the most technical discipline of alpine skiing, thanks to a fluid second run. The culmination of a sinusoidal journey marked by a constant: work value.

Lawyer Emmanuel Pierrat subject to disciplinary proceedings. One year after the investigation of Release, which had revealed deleterious working conditions described by around twenty collaborators of the lawyer Emmanuel Pierrat, the Paris Bar Council confirmed on Wednesday that a disciplinary procedure had been aimed at him since November. The president of the order, Me Julie Couturier, thus confirmed the opening by her predecessor, Me Olivier Cousi, of this procedure, without specifying what the facts were.

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In the Donbass, travel to the heart of a torn “republic”. Eight years after the start of a war that has returned to the center of the news in recent weeks, Liberation was able to go exclusively to the “people’s republic of Donetsk” where the population lives torn between Ukraine and Russia. Our report.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the second round? More than a hypothesis, a possibility. Because a presidential election is a story of dynamics and circumstances, the rebellious candidate, leading on the left in the polls, is right to say that he can make it to the second round of the ballot. Our ticket.

In the shadow of the “great replacement”, the obsession with “dispossession”. While Valérie Pécresse took up the term “great replacement”, theorized by far-right ideologue Renaud Camus, another expression emerged from Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen: “dispossession”. Our analysis.

The political goals of Kylian Mbappé. The young PSG striker is not content with individual exploits, like Tuesday night against Real, he also knows how to cajole egos and win the recognition of his partners. Our ticket.

The appeal trial of the feminicide of Aïssatou Sow. Gianni D, 25, has been appearing since Tuesday on appeal before the Essonne Assize Court for the assassination of his girlfriend, killed in September 2016. He had been sentenced to twenty-five years in prison at first instance. Our report.

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