the endless fight of firefighters against the flames in Gironde

The South-West of France is again devastated by the flames. After the tragic fires that ravaged the region in July, the fires resumed, again forcing firefighters to intervene in the blaze. Several European firefighters have arrived as reinforcements in the region.

The latter form part of the contingent of 361 firefighters, including Poles or Austrians, supported by Italian, Greek and Swedish Canadair, who came as reinforcements. In a large area around Hostens (Gironde), the fire ravaged 7,400 hectares of forest in two days and forced 10,000 people to leave their homes, sometimes for the second time in a month. Already in July, 14,000 hectares had burned in this sector.

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If the thick smoke dissipated Friday morning, giving way to a blue sky flecked with clouds, the fact remains that the fire is “still active” and extends over 40 km, according to the sub-prefect of Arcachon Ronan LĂ©austic. The fire “has not evolved but the weather conditions encourage us to be extremely vigilant”.

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