The entrance to the historic premises of Sciences Po Paris blocked again by pro-Palestinian students

The entrance to the historic premises of Sciences Po Paris was blocked on Tuesday May 7 by students mobilized in favor of the Palestinians, noted a journalist from Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Trash cans, street furniture and self-service bicycles obstructed the entrance to the building at 27, rue Saint-Guillaume (7e borough). Around twenty students are present in the street; some wear health masks or wear keffiyehs, hiding part of their face. Police officers are nearby.

The day before, the police had intervened in the afternoon to dislodge activists mobilized in support of the population of Gaza who had set up tents.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers At Sciences Po, immersed in the heart of tensions around the Palestinian question

Ten students continue their hunger strike

“We are mobilizing with these unconventional means, because we think we no longer have any other choice, we have tried emails, discussions. We are in exam period, we are all tired”told AFP a first-year student who did not wish to reveal her identity.

This young woman justifies the blockage by the same demands that have agitated the campuses of Sciences Po Paris for several weeks, in particular an investigation into partnerships with Israeli universities and “stopping the repression of mobilized students and sanctions”.

She claims that ten students are continuing their hunger strike, which began on Friday after the evacuation of the same premises by the police. Contacted, the management of Sciences-Po did not respond.

Classes have ended since Friday at this higher education establishment. Students taking exams can enter through a side door, noted an AFP journalist.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Student mobilizations for a ceasefire in Gaza are increasing in France

The World with AFP

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