the erotic-romantic series to see if you liked After and Fifty Shades

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Unveiled on November 16 on Disney+, Tell Me Lies is the new series of the moment. Between You, After and Fifty Shades of Grey, it promises its share of twists and turns, but also hot scenes.

Looking for a biting new series? We found her. On November 16, Disney+ will unveil for its subscribers Tell Me Liesthe new series from the moment that mixes eroticism, romanticismand especially, toxicity. Because far from being a rosy fiction, Tell Me Lies recount “the toxic relationship”, over an eight-year period, between Lucy Albright and Stephen DeMarco. When they meet at university, they begin a relationship that will gradually crumble: disappearance of her roommate, lies from the one she loves, discovery of a secret girlfriend, Lucy is really not at the end of her troubles with the one she is in love with, and whom she considers her number one emotional support. “There are relationships that we do not forget”already promises the series…

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Mix of Fifty Shades of Gray and D’after for steamy sex scenes, and You for the thriller side and toxic relationship at will, Tell Me Lies is the book adaptation of the same name by Carola Lovering, published in 2018. Produced by Emma Roberts, actress and niece of Julia Roberts, the series is carried by a cast of young actors. Among them, Grace Van Patten, who plays Lucy Albright. Seen in The Sopranos or maniacshe recently appeared in the miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers as Zoe Marconi. She replies to Jackson White (The Middle), as Stephen DeMarco, as well as Catherine Missal (Blacklist).

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How many episodes count Tell Me Lies ?

Composed of ten episodes, Tell Me Lies seems to have already conquered a large part of the public who had the chance to discover it on the Hulu platform, on which it is broadcast. While some are already calling for a second season, others hail an entertaining story. While recalling that it depicts a toxic relationship glamorized at will by erotic scenes between the two characters. It remains to be seen whether a sequel will see the light of day, or whether viewers will be tired after a few episodes of (re)discovering yet another series of the genre after Through my window, Youor film sagas like after.

Pauline Laforgue

People and society journalist

Series, people, TV, society, Pauline likes to vary the subjects. A fan of travel and pop culture, she is interested in all trends and has a small passion for…

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