The European Space Agency in the final stages of its new selection of astronauts

Eric Bottlaender

Space specialist

July 08, 2022 at 6:20 p.m.


ESA astronaut selection 2021 poster © ESA

So who wants to be an ESA official? © ESA

There are less than 400 candidates left for the medical tests relating to the choice of new astronauts for the European agency. A long process that should end as planned this fall. For the candidates still in the running, it is necessary to prepare for the last interviews…

The tests have been adapted for “parastronauts”.

We will call you back

On June 18, 2021, ESA closed the first phase of its selection of new astronauts with the receipt of more than 22,500 applications. In a complex context due to the health crisis, the initial meetings were difficult to organize… But, in 2022, the process resumed, and even within the schedule originally planned.

For “phase 3”, which included most of the psychological tests, there were only 400 candidates left for the selection of European astronauts. Not all have been selected for phase 4, which ends soon and includes medical and physical tests. This is to assess that the suitors have no undetected health problems, but also that they can build muscle to progress. Because, whatever we say, with two hours of daily sport at least (and not just for their flight!), today’s astronauts are also a bit of an athlete.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

By the end of the summer, successful candidates will be invited for interviews with a panel of ESA specialists (including astronauts from several generations). These will select the 4 or 6 most appropriate profiles for the inhabited adventures of the next decade.

This already includes about 18 months of initial training, then, depending on the assignments, different missions that can take place on the ground (such as CAVES studies which take place in caves, or NEEMO, in an underwater laboratory) or in orbit. Up there, it will be missions within the International Space Station or, later, lunar missions in partnership with NASA and its Artemis program.

SSC astronauts party meal © CNSA/Bacc

And, why not, to visit the neighbors opposite during a mission in cooperation? © BACC/CNSA

Double selection

ESA is also completing its selection of “parastronauts” which is taking place in parallel and which had invited candidates with physical disabilities to present themselves (people of short height less than 130 cm, missing front limb).

In the vision of Space for All dear to the European agency, these handicaps, which would present grounds for refusal on the usual selections, deserve to be studied to find out if they actually constitute a brake on space missions. Answer in October? Impatience is mounting, the last selection of ESA astronauts was unveiled in 2008…

Source :ESA

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