The European Union is once again banging its fist on the table by asking to explain its moderation practices


May 13, 2024 at 3:24 p.m.


Has flouted the DSA again?  Dan74 / Shutterstock

Has flouted the DSA again? Dan74 / Shutterstock

As the European elections on June 9, 2024 approach, the EU is demanding explanations from regarding the reduction in the workforce of its moderation service. This request follows several other warnings relating to compliance with the DSA (Digital Service Act), the European regulation which concerns digital services.

It makes no sense. The closer the deadline approaches, the more pressing the requests become, and the less reacts. Since the implementation of the Digital Services Act on August 25, 2023 and its application to the 19 tech giants on February 17, 2024, the European Commission has continued to issue a reminder to Elon Musk’s social network.

This time, and as part of the investigation opened by European Commissioner Thierry Breton in December 2023, one month before the single vote in the European elections which is to be held on June 9, 2024, the EU is demanding new explanations on the reduction of the moderation staff.

What is the EU’s “formal procedure” against

It is December 2023, and the European Commission is already warning Elon Musk that his social network borders on criminal with its dubious coverage of the attacks in Israel. The Tesla boss’s responses were more provocative than respectful. Thierry Breton then opened an investigation, followed by a formal procedure. At stake is the question of whether the digital services regulation, the DSA, has been respected or flouted.

The opening of a formal procedure by the European Commission allows enforcement measures to be taken, such as interim measures or decisions establishing non-compliance. The duration of the investigation depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the case and the cooperation of the company involved. This procedure is without prejudice to its outcome and gives the Digital Services Coordinators powers to monitor and enforce the Digital Services Regulation in the event of suspected infringements.

The procedure had 4 aspects. Among the points examined were the effectiveness of measures against information manipulation, researchers’ access to public data, transparency of platforms and suspicions of misleading user interface. This was the first procedure of this type since the entry into force of the DSA.

A 20% reduction in’s moderation workforce which worries the European Commission

In broad terms, under the DSA, the European Commission asks Elon Musk’s social network for explanations on ” the activities and resources of content moderation [et] on the risk assessment carried out by X regarding the implementation of generative AI tools in the EU », We can read in its publication dated May 8, 2024.

And what particularly attracts the EU’s attention is a clear cut in’s moderation teams by 20% since October 2023, according to its latest transparency report published in April 2024. This decision could harm the proper conduct of moderation, particularly with regard to the next European election ballot in June 2024. Indeed, between reduced staff numbers and the reduction of translation teams from 11 EU languages ​​to 7, we wonders how will proceed to remain in compliance with the DSA.

X. com is once again in the sights of the EU because of the moderation of its content © ssi77 / Shutterstock

X. com is once again in the sights of the EU because of the moderation of its content © ssi77 / Shutterstock

For now, Elon Musk and his staff have until May 17, 2024 to explain to the European Commission about moderation and AI, and until May 27, 2024 to “ the remaining questions “. Beyond these deadlines, and in the absence of convincing explanations or any response at all, the EU may sanction with fines, or even penalty payments, as provided for in Article 74, paragraph 2, of the DSA. (formerly Twitter)

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Twitter ( today) is a social network that allows its users to find the latest international and local news in just a few seconds. It is one of the most popular platforms on the Internet for conversing, discovering, learning and exchanging. Generally speaking, when an important event takes place, it is mainly on Twitter that it is discussed first.

Twitter ( today) is a social network that allows its users to find the latest international and local news in just a few seconds. It is one of the most popular platforms on the Internet for conversing, discovering, learning and exchanging. Generally speaking, when an important event takes place, it is mainly on Twitter that it is discussed first.

Sources: European Commission, TwitterTransparency



Ex-corporate journalist, the world of the web, networks, connected machines and everything that is written on the Internet whets my appetite. From the latest TikTok trend to the most liked reels, I come from...

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Ex-corporate journalist, the world of the web, networks, connected machines and everything that is written on the Internet whets my appetite. From the latest TikTok trend to the most liked reels, I come from the Facebook generation that still fascinates the internal war between Mac and PC. As a wise woman, the Internet, its tools, practices and regulation are among my favorite hobbies (that, lineart, knitting and bad jokes). My motto: to try it is to adopt it, but in complete safety.

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