The EU’s “top jobs” on the menu for a dinner of the 27, von der Leyen favorite

The President of the European Commission Ursua von der Leyen, June 16, 2024 at the Ukraine Peace Summit near Lucerne, Switzerland (POOL/AFP/ALESSANDRO DELLA VALLE)

The leaders of the Twenty-Seven will debate Monday evening in Brussels the allocation of “top jobs”, the highest positions in the EU, including the possible reappointment of Ursula von der Leyen at the head of the Commission, in the process European elections.

This informal meeting is a first meeting for the heads of state and government of EU countries after the June 6-9 election marked by a surge of the extreme right in several countries, including France and the ‘Germany.

A European Council is scheduled for June 27 and 28, but a consensus already appears to be emerging on the four main EU positions.

“I think that things can move forward effectively. In any case, that is my wish. I will go on Monday in this spirit,” French President Emmanuel Macron declared on Friday during the G7 summit in Italy, where he is interviewed by Olaf Scholz and Ursula von der Leyen.

Same story from the German Chancellor: “A political majority is being formed (…) I have the feeling that there is no point in hanging around, and that things can be decided quickly”, Olaf Scholz told ARD on Saturday.

In front of the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, April 12, 2024

In front of the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, April 12, 2024 (AFP/Archives/Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD)

Monday’s meeting is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. GMT). The President of the European Commission will participate at the start of the leaders’ discussions but will disappear during dinner, where the question of “top jobs”, including hers, will be discussed.

Ursula von der Leyen is well placed to succeed herself, as candidate of the European People’s Party (EPP, right), the political family that came first in the elections with 190 seats (+14) in the new Parliament, according to results that are still provisional.

The designation of the 65-year-old German, from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is however not automatic: she needs to collect a “qualified majority” of at least 15 countries, representing 65% of the European population.

– Costa cited for the European Council –

Within the European Council, the EPP has around a dozen leaders. The support of Emmanuel Macron, in the centrist and liberal camp, as well as Olaf Scholz, from the social democrat family, is crucial.

Both men emerged weakened from the European elections: their parties suffered a rout against the far right, which led to the calling of early legislative elections in France.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends a plenary session during the Ukraine Peace Summit, in Burgenstock, near Lucerne, June 16, 2024

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends a plenary session during the Ukraine Peace Summit, in Burgenstock, near Lucerne, June 16, 2024 (POOL/AFP/ALESSANDRO DELLA VALLE)

Conversely, strengthened by this election, the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni, coming from the post-fascist far right, could have an interest in not deciding too early on the “top jobs” and in waiting to do so. see more clearly on the constitution of groups in the European Parliament in order to negotiate positions for its political family, diplomats believe.

His group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) obtained 76 seats, four fewer than Renew Europe (including Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party), but could see its ranks expanded by a certain number of MEPs who are currently among the some 90 not registered.

If she is indeed chosen by the leaders, Ursula von der Leyen will then have to be dubbed by an absolute majority of 361 newly elected MEPs. In 2019, she was narrowly elected, with 9 votes in advance.

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, March 22, 2024 in Brussels

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, March 22, 2024 in Brussels (AFP/Archives/JOHN THYS)

The current president of the European Council – responsible for organizing and leading the summits of the leaders of member countries -, the Belgian Charles Michel, who maintains notoriously difficult relations with Ursula von der Leyen, is leaving his functions.

The Social Democrats, who constitute the second political group in the European Parliament, are claiming this position and former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa is expected.

The 62-year-old socialist is the subject of an investigation for influence peddling which led to his resignation from the Portuguese government in November, but many diplomats believe that this is not an insurmountable obstacle given that suspicions his regard seems to dissipate.

– An Estonian head of diplomacy? –

Also at stake, the post of High Representative for Foreign Affairs was until now occupied by the Spanish socialist Josep Borrell, who is retiring at the age of 77.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, April 18, 2024 in Brussels

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, April 18, 2024 in Brussels (AFP/Archives/Ludovic MARIN)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas seems favorite to succeed him. This 46-year-old liberal would be the only Eastern European among the holders of “top jobs”.

The leader made herself known for her unwavering support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia, a country bordering Estonia.

At the head of the European Parliament since January 2022, the Maltese Roberta Metsola (PPE), 45, should unless there is a surprise return, for a mandate of two and a half years.

© 2024 AFP

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