the event that would have precipitated the complaint against Hiromi Rolin

This Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the son of Alain Delon created a surprise after filing a complaint against Hiromi Rollin, the lady-in-waiting of the famous actor. We now know more about the reasons that led Anthony Delon and his brothers and sisters to seek justice.

This Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the children of Alain Delon created a surprise after filing a legal complaint against Hiromi Rolin. For several years, this Japanese woman has accompanied Alain Delon on a daily basis as a companion. However, the famous comedian presented him for a time as his companion when he was seen in public by his side. But the relationship between the actor and Hiromi Rolin is not romantic, on the contrary. The latter is suspected by the children of the actor of exercising moral harassment against Alain Delon.

Alongside Anouchka and Alain-Fabien, Anthony Delon therefore filed a complaint for the reason mentioned as well as for “misappropriation of correspondence”. Since Alain Delon’s cardiovascular accident in 2019, the eldest of the siblings has accused the lady-in-waiting of abusing his father’s state of health. “This woman has moved in with him, is becoming more and more aggressive, denigrating and abusive towards him, and towards his children”, reported Christophe Ayela, the trio’s lawyer quoted by Gala.

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A carefully prepared complaint

The case does not stop there, since Anthony Delon has expressed in writing his desire to sue Hiromi Rolin again. Indeed, the Franco-American actor wishes to file a new complaint against him for acts of “willful violence against a vulnerable person”, “moral harassment”, “abuse of weakness”, “sequestration of a vulnerable person” And “animal abuse”. The eldest of the siblings explains that he prepared his complaint for more than a year, in order to better prepare his defense strategy. During this period, he notably took care to notify and relate all the facts that took place within the family circle.

A defense strategy implemented to deal with the suspicions of abuse hanging over his father. This distrust of Hiromi Rolin dates back to November 8, 2021, the birthday of Alain Delon during which he was to have lunch with his family. But the spirit of the party was not at the rendezvous, since Anthony Delon discovered that day the injury of his father which had not been reported to him by the lady companion.

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“I blamed him for not having called any of us three, his children, after a violent fall which earned my father many stitches on his forehead, as well as a night in the hospital for observation”, did he declare. Since that day, Anthony Delon has been listing all the facts relating to his family circle in order to best prepare his defense against Hiromi Rolin.

Passionate about social issues and digital addict, he puts his pen to the service of information. Interested in all themes, Hugo is delighted to work for aufeminin …

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