the ex-Miss France lectured by her father at New Year

Diane Leyre, Miss France 2022, presented, on Instagram, her best wishes to her subscribers for the new year. A message which did not fail to make the father of the former beauty queen react.

A year full of emotions for the Misses. On the networks, several beauty queens presented thetheir wishes for the year 2024 having just started, like Ève Gilles, latest Miss France to date : “I am taking advantage of the calm before the whirlwind of 2024 to wish you all my best wishes. I am happy to start this new year with you. I can’t wait to meet you. As I already said: ‘pa kapab lé mor san eséyé’, which simply means in Reunion Creole that the important thing in life is to dare. So this year, together, let’s dare to dream even bigger!” Diane Leyre followed suit, but was somewhat corrected.

The one who succeeded Amandine Petit in December 2021 wrote on Instagram a letter to the attention of the year that has just passed : “It’s been a year of change. […] A year where I found myself face to face with myself and had to rebuild everything. […] 2023, you opened my eyes to who I was, who I am and what I want to become. You reconnected me to my childhood dreams, the ones I had repressed.” A poignant text, however containing some shells, as Diane Leyre’s subscribers pointed out. And they are not the only ones since the father of the pretty brunette 26-year-old did not fail to question his daughter on the subject. “Don’t worry, my father did the spelling police before you”, announced the young woman in the story. And to report the remonstrances of his father: “Surprising of you, you who never make mistakes. […] Your text is great despite everything.

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Diane Leyre excited to start the year 2024

Faults or no faultswhatever, Diane Leyre conveyed the essentials in her message: the co-host of the Virgin Radio morning show decided to make your happiness a priority. A desire that she also revealed during an interview with on Saturday December 23, 2023: “I can’t wait, because there will be new goals. It’s also the end of a chapter, because I have completed all the stages of the Misses. It’s the start of a new era so I can’t wait to find out what 2024 has in store for me.” And to continue: “This year will be about finding my happiness. So, I hope to find lots of things that will make me happy in 2024. In any case, I’m excited! I don’t know what tomorrow brings, I have lots of ideas in mind so now it’s time to stop talking and implement them.


Curious, Anastasia has a malleable pen. Society, culture, lifestyle, politics, women’s rights… Committed, Anastasia likes to dissect the news from all its angles to deliver its substance…

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