the farewell message from this much-loved studio is the end!

The recent layoffs at PlayStation have taken a toll on a historic studio of the brand. Before leaving for good, the team speaks.

It’s not particularly good to work in the video game industry in this day and age. These last few months have been among the most horrible for thousands of developers and various employees who have been laid off even though the sector is in excellent health and manufacturers and publishers alike are raking in greenbacks that they no longer know about. do for the majority. The layoffs were such that they precipitated the fall of a PlayStation studio, although established for decades, and therefore of their next PS5 exclusive which should have been more experimental.

A closed PlayStation studio, goodbye to this PS5 exclusive

The restructuring of PlayStation has caused considerable damage with 900 jobs lost across the world. This did not affect specific professions, but rather a whole range. And no studio, even the most renowned, has been spared given that Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games, which released the PS5 box Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, had to say goodbye to certain employees. But the situation is even worse for SIE London Studio which learned of its closure without notice. The company name may not be as popular as the previous two mentioned, but it was still a pillar of PlayStation history.

The EyeToy, Singstar, The Getaway or even the excellent Blood & Truth on PSVR, it’s them! Suffice to say that we must definitely give up on Blood & Truth on PSVR2, barring (very) big surprises. Before no longer being able to interact with PS5 players, PlayStation London Studio left one last message:

For over twenty years, London Studio has been home to exceptional talent and wonderful people in the games industry. As we close our doors and head off to new adventures, we wanted to thank from the bottom of our hearts everyone who has supported us over the years. It was an exhilarating and fantastic adventure!

Via PlayStation London Studio.

PlayStation London Studio was working on a very ambitious PS5 game for them that would obviously have been a fantasy action game, set in an unrecognizable London, complete with dragons. A title that should have been playable in online cooperation.

Credits: PlayStation London Studio via X.

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