The federal and state governments are fighting over money: refugees should be registered more quickly

The federal and state governments are fighting over money
Refugees should be registered faster

The prime ministers’ conference is not only about Corona, but also about the refugees from Ukraine. These should be registered “quickly and easily” and distributed evenly in the countries. How much money there is from the federal government is unclear.

The federal and state governments want to speed up the registration of Ukrainian war refugees. This emerges from the new draft resolution for the consultations between Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the 16 Prime Ministers in the afternoon. “The Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states consider it essential to register those arriving quickly and easily,” says the ten-page draft, which is available to the Reuters news agency.

The federal and state governments would ensure the registration of those who remained in Germany in the central register of foreigners. The federal government supports this “personnel and material”, in particular with the provision of personalization infrastructure. At the same time, the federal government should promote close consultation with European partners.

The federal government is committed to its financial responsibility, but does not yet want to guarantee the states and municipalities an exact amount of support. Instead, the draft now says that a working group should be set up to present the results by April 7th at the latest.

“In particular, the topics of accommodation costs, costs of support for subsistence and questions of individual service provision, help for particularly vulnerable groups and questions of federal participation in the costs of integration in child day care, school and the labor market are to be negotiated and, as a result, an overall financing concept is to be developed “, says the template. In order to facilitate and speed up the accommodation, the federal government will allow deviations from building planning standards depending on the situation, it is said.

The refugees should be distributed evenly across the federal states. At the same time, problems are referred to “because the refugees are initially free to choose their place of residence before a request for protection is made, so there are initially only limited control options”. In addition, the federal and state governments must work together to protect refugees from human trafficking and forced prostitution. Coordination with the federal government on the state proposals is still pending.

Interior Ministry launches help portal

Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said on Wednesday that Germany had already taken in 175,000 Ukrainian war refugees. It is expected that the number will continue to rise sharply and that there is also a large number of people who are staying privately and are therefore not yet recorded. According to the visa regulations, people coming from Ukraine only have to register after 90 days.

In addition, the federal government is launching its own help portal for refugees. Under The Federal Ministry of the Interior announced that information would be given, among other things, on accommodation options, work permits, the right of residence and the possibilities of attending school or university. “Relevant warnings from the police authorities” would also be posted there.

The portal thus covers those subject areas “that refugees name as the most urgent need for information,” the ministry explained. is up Ukrainian, Russian, English and German accessible. “We want to offer war refugees from Ukraine a central, secure and digital contact point,” said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser from the SPD. “We will continue to expand this portal.”

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