the first details of his explosive memoirs revealed

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Already much criticized for his attitude vis-à-vis the royal family for several months, Prince Harry risks rekindling many tensions as of January 10, the date on which his memoirs will be published. And the first extracts do not bode well for the Windsors…

Will the breaking point be definitively reached in 2023 between Prince Harry and the royal family? Almost three years ago, Prince William’s brother made the decision, with his wife Meghan Markle, to renounce his status as a senior member of the monarchy, in order to carry out his personal projects and become financially independent. Hurt by the attitude of the press towards his wife, upset by the lack of responsiveness of those close to him, he has since multiplied the attacks against the Windsors, which he curbs at the slightest opportunity, whether with Oprah Winfrey or even recently in a documentary series broadcast on Netflix. Despite their testimonies, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are far from attracting the sympathy of the British, who are even considering making a radical decision in their regard. And the publication of Prince Harry’s memoirs will not help matters.

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On January 10, the youngest son of Lady Diana and King Charles will publish his autobiography, Sparein which he intends to deliver, once again, his own truth about his childhood, his adolescence, the constant media coverage of his escapades, his time in the army, but also about relationship with family members. And according to a source who read the book ahead of its release, the Windsors should expect the worst. In particular Prince William, who is particularly targeted in this story. “Overall, I think the book will be terrible for themas much as the royal family expects”thus warned a source in the Sunday Timesrelayed by The Mirrorwhich specifies that “everything is laid bare”.

Harry “hard” with William

So, according to this source, Prince Harry shows up, as expected, “hard” against his brother William, while Kate Middleton, whom he was very close to before his marriage to Meghan Markle, also takes it for his rank. Conversely, the king Charles III “does better” than some expected, despite the tensions that have disturbed her relationship with her son for several months. “There are these minute details and an description of the fight between the brothers. Personally, I don’t see how Harry and William can reconcile after that, also notes the source, who specifies that part of these memoirs is devoted to the death of Lady Diana, and to the fact that the Duke of Sussex does not seem to have recovered from this tragedy, twenty-five years later. so that he has “projected” his fears about his wife, whom he is now working to defend tooth and nail.

People and society journalist

Series, people, TV, society, Pauline likes to vary the subjects. A fan of travel and pop culture, she is interested in all trends and has a small passion for…

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