the first-ever AI-generated phishing campaign hits the platform

LinkedIn has always been a platform riddled with hackers and scams, but this new campaign stands out from the previous ones. Indeed, according to research by SafeGuard Cyber, this would be the very first phishing campaign carried out using artificial intelligence. The hackers likely used Dall-E or an equivalent to create the image, along with a chatbot to generate the accompanying text.

Credit: 123rf

It was only a matter of time. In a recent report, cybersecurity firm SafeGuard Cyber ​​reveals that it has detected the first phishing campaign carried out almost entirely by artificial intelligence. As often, the social network intended for professionals is used here to obtain the personal data of their users, making it possible to follow up on other hacking attempts.

LinkedIn is already a favorite haunt for hackers. In recent years, phishing campaigns have abounded on the platform, taking on various and varied forms. Lately, cryptocurrency scams have been particularly numerous in the users’ news feed. Today, hackers use the latest technologies to achieve their ends.

That’s it, artificial intelligence is being used to steal your personal data

We have already had the example of the deepfake used by hackers to create fake professional profiles. Today, a new step has been taken. SafeGuard Cyber ​​researchers say they came across a strange-looking advertisement promotinga white paper gathering good marketing practices. To download it, you must provide your email address and phone number. It was the account behind this advertisement that caught the attention of the experts. Called “Sales Intelligence”, the latter redirects curious users to the site of a jeweler in Arizona, most likely there to fill in the mandatory fields of LinkedIn.

Related — LinkedIn: Russian Hackers Are Hiding Behind Fake Accounts

But the most curious is undoubtedly the image that accompanies this advertisement. This indeed has a slight watermark in its lower right corner, typical of images generated by Dall-E. The text doesn’t fare much better. According to our colleagues at TechRadar, who analyzed the latter in via an AI detector, the text obtained a score of 79%. In other words, it is very likely thatat least some of it has been artificially generated. “The encounter with this fake LinkedIn ad was an important reminder of the new social engineering risks that are now emerging when coupled with AI”writes SafeGuard Cyber.

Source: TechRadar

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