the first major patch is here with highly requested additions

Hades 2 made a very notable arrival in early access on May 6. Around ten days later, it welcomed its first major patch, with qualitative changes.

As it stands, Hades 2 is already one of the biggest early access games ever released. But Supergiant Games’ 12 works are far from finished. A first major patch thus refines the experience, largely motivated by player feedback. Here are the changes it makes.

Hades 2 early access updates

Already more massive than the first Hades in its final version, Hades 2 is not yet finished. Supergiant Games wants to take the time to refine its game as much as possible, for a 1.0 release expected in 2025. Until then, the independent title will be regularly updated, depending on the studio’s priorities, but especially in this case feedback from early access participants.

This first major patch for Hades 2 represents this desire by bringing numerous “quality of life” changes requested by the community. These particularly relate to sprinting and dashing, which should now be more responsive. The harvesting of resources, one of the new features compared to the first opus, is also intended to be more enjoyable. It will no longer be necessary to leave with only one collection tool and have to abandon the other resources. Choosing a tool will only make the associated resources more numerous, but others can also be harvested. The interface is also developing, notably displaying the quantity of gold in one’s possession when interacting with the Wells of Charon, whereas previously you had to go through the benefits menu.

You will find the full notes for the first major patch of Hades 2 below, translated from English by us. Please note, however, that these notes contain SPOILERS regarding different elements of the game. If you prefer to keep the surprise, we therefore advise you to avoid reading what follows.

Little by little, Mélinoé’s epic is being refined. © Supergiant Games

Full notes for the first major early access patch

Noticed : ? indicates a change inspired by community feedback! (Almost everything in this case…!)

Hades 2 General Gameplay

? Your Sprint is naturally faster and turns are more responsive; the capabilities that strengthen the Sprint have been readapted
? You can now output many attack recovery animations more reliably
? You can now interact with any resource point once you have unlocked the corresponding gathering tool; You can now prioritize any available tool in the Training Grounds to have its resources appear as often as before, while resources for tools you don’t prioritize will appear much less often.

Altar of Ashes

? The Swift Runner: Now also makes your Dash immediate (note that the faster speed means you are invulnerable for a smaller window of time); Readapted sprint speed bonus, since sprinting is now naturally faster

Level design and environments

? It’s easier to cross chasms in Oceanis by running
? Drywood resources are more common in Thessaly Rift

Menus and user interface

? Using a Well of Charon displays your current gold without needing to check your boon menu
? The Inspiration upgrade tutorial in the Altar of Ashes will repeat if skipped
? Added Patch Notes option to main menu (where you can read this!)


? First encounters with Eris are less likely to occur; she also drops something valuable…
? Along the same lines, if this has already happened, look for a unique bonus at Crossroads while Eris is present
? Book of Shadows entries are generally easier to reveal
? You can give Echo a gift without having to wait that long after the conversation
? Adjusted Pet upgrades invalidated by the Gathering Tool changes above
? In Flashback, a hint will eventually be displayed to players who don’t realize they have control
? Improved mouse selection in various cases
? Improved support for some additional controllers
• Abilities that increase sprint speed display more accurate numbers (usually lower than before).
• Updates and fixes to translations in certain languages

Bug fixes in Hades 2

? Fixed several issues with Dark Face (Selene)
? Fixed Sun Worship (Apollo) sometimes preventing new enemies from spawning
? Fixed Fire Extinguisher (Hestia) not dealing damage as intended
? Fixed the Sister Blades’ Omega attack not hitting reliably from certain angles.
? Fixed Satyr Hoplites retaining their ability to block when afflicted by the Curse of Twilight (Selene).
? Fixed various cases of enemies sometimes appearing out of bounds
? Fixed camera zooming in stuck in certain situations
? Fixed cases where you could go outside the boundaries of the Crossroads
? Fixed events at the Crossroads Fishing Pier not passing time like other similar events
? Fixed auto-lock not removing as expected when using mouse controls
? Fixed keyboard inputs sometimes getting stuck unexpectedly
? Fixed several input issues when switching from controller to mouse/keyboard controls
? Fixed several playback issues at ultra-wide resolutions
? Fixed certain visual effects regarding persistence between phases or after combat
? Fixed a voice line where Melinoe repeated unexpectedly around bat cages in Ephyra City
? Fixed various rare crashes
? Fixed several text errors
? Other minor fixes

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