the first names of the season 13 candidates known?

The year 2024 promises to be full of events for the first channel. After announcing the return of Plus belle la vie and poaching journalist Bruce Toussaint, TF1 is preparing to launch season 13 of Dancing with the Stars. Who will be the personalities to walk the floor?

We don’t really know when yet, but season 13 of Dance with the stars must disembark on TF1 At start of 2024. The first channel keeps the broadcast date secret – if indeed it is already defined -, the name of the dancers who will involve the celebrities in their art, nor even the name of the host or even the jurors. Camille Combal has been officiating since 2017, everything suggests that he will be renewed to present the entertainment next year. As for the jury, it has evolved a lot in recent years. It is still too early to say that Chris Marques will resume his role. But he is the only one to have participated in the first 12 seasons. How could we imagine that he wouldn’t be there?

The greatest secrecy also surrounds the name of candidates who will tread the floor of Dance with the stars 2024. But some have already leaked, and not the least… The rumors have been going strong for several weeks, and the influencer Rhomin – “TV advisor” – is echoing them on TikTok. For his 600,000 followershe mentions six names, including that of two singers, an actor and a small screen star.

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Singers, actors and comedians on the floor

It’s the Canadian Pirate’s heart which is cited first. The only interpreter of Like children returned to the spotlight this year alongside the group Kyo with a cover of her hit Last Dance. She has just published a new version of her title It was badly romantic to celebrate its 15th anniversary. On the other hand, she has not promoted any records since Impossible to love in 2021, shortly before the birth of her second child named Arlo. On the music side, we also mention the name of Louis Albi, candidate for the last season of star Academy who has just released his first album Cry of joy.

Rhomin subsequently quotes the actor Benjamin Douba-Paris which has evolved in cinema and television. Seen in The mark of angels by Sylvain White in 2013, he played in Neuilly his mother, his mother! four years later, then he moved into the series Captain Marleau And Camping Paradise. But it is undoubtedly his role in the series of TF1 Here it all begins which allowed him to gain notoriety. Also, the name of the buyer Caroline Margeridon is also cited, viewers discovered it in the show Deal doneor the comedian duo Nico and Daniela Caponevery popular on social networks and seen recently on W9 in the show The Capones get married.


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