The five unmissable back-to-school exhibitions to see in Paris

Many exhibitions are to be discovered in the museums and galleries, as at the beginning of the year. Photo, video, fashion … Discover our selection of five unmissable exhibitions below.

The most spiritual – Illuminated Tarots, masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance

Since last December 15, the museum of the playing card presents the exhibition Illuminated tarots, masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance . If the tarot cards are currently on the rise, their practice is not new. Even today, the illuminated tarots of the XVe century fascinate. As the museum’s official website describes it, “their quality of execution, the richness of their colors as well as their stamped gold backgrounds make them unique works, both playing cards and miniatures”. Better preserved than ordinary printed tarots, illuminated tarots are today true luxury items. Along the way, we discover “precious Milanese and Florentine tarots, from prestigious institutions such as the Louvre, the National Library of France, the Morgan Library and Museum in New York or the museums of Sicily”. In total, the exhibition presents more than 70 works from loans in France and abroad.

A presentation of the exhibition by Thierry Depaulis, scientific curator, will take place on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 6.30 p.m. (free entry)

Most sophisticated – Yves Saint-Laurent

One exhibition, six museums. The configuration is rare. However, this is what the Yves Saint Laurent exhibition, organized on the occasion of the 60e anniversary of the designer’s first fashion show. The Pompidou Center, the The Louvre Museum, the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, the Musée d’Orsay, the Musée National Picasso-Paris and the Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris are participating, from January 29 to May 15, 2022. We can see iconic models and outfits , echoing some permanent collections.

Links are created, and reveal a dialogue between the work of the couturier and the art exhibited in these places of culture. Each place brings a different point of view: modernity at Pompidou, gold at the Louvre, masculine / feminine in Orsay …

From January 29, 2022 to May 15, 2022, various museums in Paris.

Most history – Gaston Paris, photography in spectacle

Si Gaston Paris (1905-1964) was a talented photographer and reporter, notably published in the magazine Seen , his work is still little known. From January 19, the Center Pompidou will dedicate an exhibition to this “Virtuoso technician and ingenious observer”. His work, undeniably influenced by surrealism and the “social fantastic” of his time, is presented through around fifty period prints, twenty-five thematic plates illustrated by contact prints, around fifty reproductions from magazines and over a hundred late prints made in the 1960s and 1970s. Not to mention the projection of a hundred digitized negatives.

The most touching – Pamela Tulizo, Face to Face

For the second part of the season, the MEP (European House of Photography) welcomes Congolese photographer Pamela Tulizo. In this exhibition, she presents works dedicated to Congolese women and is interested in the gaze cast on them. Born in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, she grew up and evolved in a region torn by civil war and known for the scourge of sexual violence perpetrated against women. She highlights here the double identity of Congolese women, between victim representation and image that carries hope. This questioning responds to the “Face to face” theme of the third edition of the Dior Prize for Photography and Visual Arts for Young Talents, which won the photographer in 2020. Her recent series “Enfer Paradisiaque” (2021), inspired by the Covid-19 epidemic is also presented.

The most technological – Cézanne and Kandinsky at the Atelier des Lumières

From February 18, the Atelier des Lumières will reopen with two exhibitions, dedicated to Cézanne and Kandinsky. Concerning Cézanne, the tour will reveal the “inner turmoil of the artist, the strength of his constructions, his relationship to light and colors and his link with nature, which remains his great model, his obsessive reference”. The major works of the artist will be presented, following the common thread of nature towards Provence and Sainte-Victoire. Once this exhibition is over, a ten-minute creation examines the works of Vassily Kandinsky (1866-1944). In particular, you will be able to discover the most significant productions of its modern momentum. “Composition VIII” (1923), “Yellow, red, blue” (1925) until his latest biomorphic creations.


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