the formidable rant of Jamie Lee Curtis


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No more playing the perfect woman. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis denounces the cult of the body imposed on women. She is tired of hiding behind complexes.

Jamie Lee Curtis is a great actress. She has played in around sixty feature films, has been rewarded in many ceremonies of the 7th art. However, today she is tired. Not from her acting career but rather from the role she had to play all her life. That of a woman who must hide her body.

She returns this year Everything Everywhere All At Once by Daniel Scheinert. In this film she plays the role of Deirdre Beaubeirdra, a tax auditor at the Internal Revenue Service, whose physique does not correspond to the so-called dominant aesthetic.

The opportunity for the actress to reveal her real body without artifice. Tired of martyring yourself or playing some kind of sex symbol to meet the demands of cinema deposited on female bodies. To position herself, she posted a photo of herself on the set of her new film. She reveals her belly which overflows the pants.

His character is sitting on a desk chair eating a smiling smiley face cookie. Made up of a wig and a special outfit to play her character, Jamie Lee Curtis appears different. Yet on the image it has never been so natural.

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Jamie Lee Curtis is finally letting go at the age of 63

In the caption of this photo which caused a huge reaction, Jamie Lee Curtis launches into a plea.
“I told the whole film crew: I don’t want any cover-up techniques, writes Jamie Lee Curtis. I’ve been tucking in my belly since I was 11, the age when you start to be aware of boys and your body, and jeans are super tight.”

She insists on the appearance of her belly by explaining, “there, I very specifically decided to give up and release all the muscles that I used to contract to hide the reality. That was my goal.”

Jamie Lee Curtis has been watching over her appearance for more than fifty years. The question is not to have a body corresponding more or less to the codes of beauty imposed in the cinema sector. but rather to conceal who we are. Through her message, the actress creates the debate on this dictatorship of appearance.

The actress is known for her commitment to feminist issues. It defends the aging of the body and the return of nature.

“In the world, there is an industry – an industry that brews millions, billions of dollars – of hiding things. Correctors. Sculpting underwear. Injections. Cosmetic surgery procedures. Clothes. Hair accessories. Hair products. Everything to conceal the reality of who we are”denounces Jamie Lee Curtis.

The actress believes that she “never felt so creatively and physically free” only since she slackens.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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