The France Travail project is struggling to materialize

High Commissioner for Employment and Business Engagement, Thibaut Guilluy (here, during a trip to Lyon in November) is in charge of bringing the France Travail project to a successful conclusion. NICOLAS LIPONNE/Hans Lucas via AFP

After two months of discussions, no one knows what the entity that will pilot employment policies will look like.

Time passes and the veil on the advent of France Travail, the future armed wing of integration and employment in France, is struggling to get up. A meeting orchestrated by Thibaut Guilluy, in charge of the mission of prefiguring this presidential promise, and Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labor, was scheduled for Tuesday with all the stakeholders in the file to unveil the first tracks retained by the government, after almost two months of discussion. “But everything was shaken up and the agendas no longer stuck“, we breathe rue de Grenelle. The scheduled meeting was therefore postponed to January, without further details as to the date.

If the reason for the postponement is struggling to convince the actors involved in this file, this delay could be a way of giving yourself a little more time. Because, today, nothing is really tied up. Tuesday afternoon, Olivier Dussopt wanted to be most reassuring in front of dumbfounded and questioning deputies. Unconvincingly…

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