the French ready to produce their own electricity

If the threat of power cuts hangs over French households in winter, the question of purchasing power is never far away with the announced increase in gas and electricity bills at the start of 2023. For 72% of French people, the producing and consuming your own solar energy is the best way to control your budget.

Photovoltaic panels, wind turbines… These alternative electricity producers will be at the center of the debates in the National Assembly this week. This Monday, the bill aimed at accelerating and simplifying the development of renewable energies in France enters the Chamber. This text is based on an observation: the country is lagging behind. In effect, solar and wind represent only 19.3% of consumption final gross of energy despite a target set for 2020 of 23%. Should we despair? Not sure.

More than three-quarters of the French (78%) believe that investment in solar energy is not massive enough, according to a study carried out by the OpinionWay institute for EDF ENR, the renewable subsidiary of the French energy company. For nearly one in two respondents, the primary cause of France’s delay in the field (48%) is the lack of incentive schemes such as MaPrimeRenov’ for energy renovation, which would offset the acquisition and installation costs.

The issues of independence and purchasing power offer us an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate France’s transition to a model of sustainable growth, judge its president Benjamin Declas. And justly, for 60% of the population, producing and consuming their own electricity will become the norm in the near future. And this will go through solar energy, considered to be an obvious way to overcome the depletion of fossil fuels for nearly eight people questioned out of 10 (78%), which will also promote the generalization of self-consumption in buildings for nearly one out of two French people (49%) give details of the results of the study.

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A bill down by a third

Beyond the feared power cuts for this winter and the environment, the question of purchasing power is never far away. For 72% of French people, the production and consumption of their own solar energy would be the best way to control your budget. The polls expect 32% savings. A quarter of respondents (25%) even consider that this could allow them to at least halve the amount of their electricity bill.

A credible figure according to Audrey Zermati, director of strategy at Effy, a specialist in energy renovation, which promises its customers a 40% reduction in the energy bill after the installation of solar panels… whose bill can go up to 10,000 euros. Working-class categories are particularly sensitive, with 78% respectively convinced that this would be the most effective way to counter their soaring energy bill, according to the OpinionWay survey for EDF ENR.

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