The fuel allowance for the most modest extended until the end of March by the government

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, announced on Monday the extension by one month, until the end of March, of the fuel allowance of 100 euros available since mid-January for the 10 million most taxable households. modest. “It was supposed to stop at the end of February, we will extend it until the end of March so that the millions of our compatriots who are entitled to it can go get it”, declared Bruno Le Maire on RTL radio, stressing that ” almost half” of eligible households had not yet taken advantage of it. “You have an allowance that benefits those who work, I think it’s fair, I think it’s effective, I just want everyone who is entitled to it to be able to receive it,” he added.

A reference tax income of less than 14,700 euros in 2021

This allowance is an aid paid in one go, for 2023, which concerns households located in the first five deciles of income. It was put in place to replace the general rebate at the pump, in force until the end of 2022, and applies to all types of vehicle, including motorized two-wheelers and cars without a license (bicycles and electric scooters are excluded). To be eligible, you must have a reference tax income of less than 14,700 euros in 2021, i.e. 1,314 euros net per month for a single person or 3,941 euros for a couple with two children.

Towards a new gesture at the pump?

A modest couple who works and owns two vehicles can benefit from two grants, i.e. 200 euros. Asked about the CEO of TotalEnergies Patrick Pouyanné, who hinted that he could grant another rebate at the pumps in France, Bruno Le Maire said: “He made promises and it is generally better than promises are kept”. As for the level of this rebate, “it will be up to him to determine it”, he added. On France 2, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal, said he wished that “companies which can, in particular Total if this is the case, can make a new gesture”.

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