The future of DOFUS Touch, a long road to new horizons

Based on version 2.14 of the PC version, DOFUS Touch was officially released in the summer of 2016, after several months of beta. Six years later, he continued to evolve on his own, following a different path from his grandfather. Today, it is version 1.56 of Touch that players can test on the Beta server. And the choices made by Ankama Games allow us to see a little more clearly about the future of the game.

During one of our visits to Ankama, Wyze and Yawn agreed to confide in us about the future projects of the Dofus Touch team. Between balancing, new projects and player expectations, many topics were discussed.

Balancing and new class, a difficult but necessary choice

The question of a new class on Dofus Touch is at the heart of the debates among players. The mobile version of the game only benefits from 15 classes, compared to the 18 of the PC version. However, this is not necessarily a modern project.

The reason for this choice is actually logical. Currently, the different classes do not all benefit from smoothed spells and characteristics. This delay in balancing causes instability that would make it difficult to introduce an additional class.

Recently, on the 1.56 update currently in beta, the Pandawa and the Xelor received changes in this direction. Just like the Iop, Enutrof and Ecaflip on the previous update. It’s a long process, but it’s progressing little by little. And, who knows, maybe it will eventually lead to a new class. Whether it is identical to those of Dofus PC or not.

The player experience at the heart of the project

This constant improvement of the gaming experience goes, of course, through the player experience. Especially for low level players and more specifically new players. The Dofus Touch updates of the time began with an overhaul of Incarnam. But the result of these modifications is not necessarily what was expected, mainly due to a lack of time.

Going back to the content offered at the start of the game is a goal in sight. The tutorial overhaul will be a big part of such an update, should it happen. The goal would also be to better present each feature once it is unlocked. Smithmagic, breeding, Kolossium and others could thus have easier access on Dofus Touch in the future, as well as daily missions. Without simplifying the content.

Professions, a content in its own right

Trades could also be affected by an update. The recipes have already had the right to several modifications. On the one hand, by removing a lot of resources from the game. Each monster has a unique resource and each family of monsters too. In the idea, a Gobball can allow you to drop its resource, as well as the resource of the Gobball family. In addition, the drop rates are always the same at an equivalent level, simplifying the drop system.

On the other hand, the recipes had been revised with a pyramid crafting system. Lower level items crafted by artisans are thus reused in higher level recipes. However, the impacts of this change are mixed. For example, very very high level recipes have become too complex with the many intermediate steps.

You need several high-level professions to make your recipes on Dofus Touch.

Added to this is the experience of professions, which could also undergo changes in future updates. There are no plans to offer unlimited level 200 professions like on Dofus PC. The objective would rather be to make adjustments, but it remains to be seen which ones. In any case, the economy and professions are at the heart of the thoughts of the game development team.

Time and its limits

In truth, there are many ideas for the future of Dofus Touch. But the limit remains the same: time. Especially on a mobile game that requires very regular new content. It is therefore necessary to work little by little on certain projects which are sometimes too time-consuming.

The Interserver Kolossium may one day be present on Dofus Touch.

This is the case, for example, of the Kolossium interserver. Technical research has been carried out, but it is still too early to be able to consider it now.

We can also take the example of certain redesigns of zones. Narrative arcs in progress are to be completed (such as Pandala, or the second part of the Nimbos), delaying the redesign of certain areas such as Otomaï or Sufokia. However, they will eventually, one day or another, benefit from a real overhaul.

Temporis on Dofus Touch, a rather distant future.

And a Temporis on Dofus Touch? It is indeed technically possible, but the sacrifice of time is once again too great compared to the retention of players that such a server brings. It is therefore not up to date, the game focusing mainly on the loyalty of the current community. And we know that Temporis does not always have the desired retention.

It should also be taken into account that an edition of Temporis on Dofus Touch would further delay the addition of certain features such as the Kolossium Interserver. But, who knows, nothing prevents that one day from happening.


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