the game with Captain America and Black Panther confirmed, the info

Amy Hennig, the creation of Uncharted, presented her superhero game well during the Disney & Marvel Showcase. A title with Captain America and Black Panther… but not only!

Seeing a shaky rumor turn into a real announcement is very rare. But that around the new Marvel game by Amy Hennig, the ex-Naughty Dog who contributed to the birth and development of the Uncharted saga, is verified. Here is the beginning of this still ultra-secret project to our great despair.

Amy Hennig (Uncharted) teases her Marvel game

The Disney & Marvel showcase, the big-eared firm’s video game conference, saw the birth of several new projects, including that of Amy Hennig, the creator of Uncharted. A massive AAA that twists the Marvel Universe to tell its own story and deliver its own interpretation. A likely action-adventure game with four playable characters: a young Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Azzuri the wise aka T’Challa’s grandfather and the Black Panther from World War II, Gabriel Jones an American soldier and member of the Howling Commandos » as well as Nanali, the maternal grandmother leader of the Wakandan spy network.

This group of four will be propelled in the middle of occupied Paris and will have to face the Nazi forces of Hydra. And that’s all we know. No announced title, no platform or even a very short snippet of gameplay. There is still a slogan “Four heroes, two worlds, one war”. We recall that Amy Hennig will spend time with Mickey since she is also working on a Star Wars solo game.

Once we get real info and a real trailer, it might be as expected as Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Marvel’s Wolverine. Maybe…

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