The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family: The Geiss sisters get into each other's hair

The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family
The Geiss sisters get into each other's hair

Guerrilla warfare on the construction site in Monaco: Shania (left) and Davina (2nd from right) disagree about who gets the nicer room


In a new double episode of "Die Geissens" a guerrilla war breaks out between the two Geiss sisters.

Also in the coming week, RTLZWEI will present a new double episode of the new season of "Die Geissens – A terribly glamorous family" on February 22, 2021 (8:15 pm). In this episode, the Geiss sisters Shania (16) and Davina (17) start a real catfight. The trigger: Who can have the nicer room in the family's new property in Monaco?

Both want to claim the nicer, larger room for themselves. Davina insists on the rights of the firstborn, but Shania does not want to accept it and her mind heats up even further when she realizes that part of her bathroom has to give way to a laundry room. Who will prevail in the end?

What does not fit is made to fit

But it is not just the division of the rooms that causes problems. A steel beam to enlarge the gallery must be built into the new apartment. Not an easy undertaking given the weight and size. And the windows supplied do not fit into the holes provided. But as with steel girders, what doesn't fit is made to fit.

Carmen (55) is also expecting a nasty surprise: Robert (57) has had her Bentley re-wrapped. But in black. Exactly the color Carmen didn't want at all. Still, Robert doesn't care. But Carmen likes the sight of her black luxury car at some point and the day ends with a relaxed joyride.
