The "glory hole", the recommended sexual practice during the Covid

In a press release published last July, the public health agency of the Canadian province of British Columbia advocates the use of the "glory hole". A sexual practice to say the least unusual which avoids the risk of contamination.

In July 2020, the health authorities of British Columbia (Western Canada), publish a list of advice regarding sexual relations during a pandemic: " masturbate. Preferably alone ". And if you really prefer to do it in pairs, or even more, " put on a mask; avoid breathing hard; avoid kissing and the exchange of saliva; avoid face-to-face positions; use barriers like walls (glory holes for example) ". It did not take more to pique the curiosity of Internet users.

What exactly is the “glory hole”?

The glory hole, kézako? According to the Urban Dictionary website, the bible of English slang and popular language, a glory hole is "A hole made in a thin wall or other type of septum where a person can insert their penis for sexual stimulation by an anonymous person on the other side". The glory holes promote sexual interchange across a partition, keeping physical contact to a minimum. This practice would have become popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when homosexual acts were still illegal. "An ancestral practice, which has become a solid means of circumventing the repression of homosexual relations, the glory hole also converts straight people", can we read on the Inrocks website, which devotes an article to this "Sexual practice that has become a cult".

From the guide's side Safer sex and Covid-19 developed by the New York City Department of Health, the advice is the same but more allusive. "Make it a little kinky", mentions the document. "Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face-to-face contact."

The glory hole makes Internet users laugh

This sexual practice, to say the least unusual, has challenged many · its Internet users. On Twitter, they reacted quickly, ironing, for the most part, this unusual advice.

"The public health agency for the Canadian province of British Columbia recommends using the 'glory holes' to practice safe sex during the pandemic – and I just want to know if this is a common thing for people have at home ”, asks journalist Kamil Karamali.

"2020: the year when the glory holes become standard equipment in the house", comments a user on Twitter. Some women wonder how glory holes could allow them to cum: “Women need clitoral stimulation, so how does it work? We have to do it ourselves? " What, other twittos recommend him to use a vibrator. Rest assured, if you don't have a penis, you can still take advantage of glory holes : they can be used to observe, run fingers, and pretty much anything you can do through a hole.

A sexual practice in the era of the coronavirus

If the health authorities advise the glory hole to protect yourself from Covid-19, digging a hole in the walls of your home – or trying to have sex with a barrier – seems like a lot of work. And unless you have a room dedicated to naughty games like Christian Gray, it's hard to find a place of choice for this "glory hole". Until then, to have safe sex, we advise you to stick to the other recommendations of the health departments, namely to favor remote sex (via FaceTime, by sending nudes, sexting, in short, we give free rein to your imagination), and practice masturbation because "You are your most secure partner", as recalled by the New York health department.

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Video by Clemence Chevallet