“The Godfather”: For the 50th birthday: You should know that about the classic

On March 14, 1972 “The Godfather” started in the USA. For the anniversary, the most interesting facts about the gangster classic.

On March 14, 1972, a film was released in US cinemas that shaped more than just the modern mafia film: “The Godfather”. Director Francis Ford Coppola (82) created a classic with the film adaptation of the mega-seller novel by Mario Puzo (1920-1999). Which is not only a gripping gangster film, but also a great family saga and a portrayal of American customs.

“The Godfather” was a success that saved the production company Paramount Pictures from bankruptcy. Together with “Der Exorzist” (73) and “Jaws” (1975) the movie started the era of the modern blockbuster. Cinema bounced back after losing many viewers to television in the 1950s and 1960s.

Two sequels followed in 1974 and 1990. They continued the story of the Corleone family, spanning three generations. For the 50th anniversary, some facts about the classic that you didn’t know yet.

Should play in the present

“The Godfather” deserves much of its historical charm, the film is set in the 1940s. But actually the later classic should play in the present. After all, that would have been cheaper to produce.

resistance of the mafia

Even before filming began, the Italian-American Civil Rights League protested against the film. The organization allegedly worked to spread a cliché-free image of Italian-Americans. After all, not all are mafiosi. But in reality, the league probably served as a lobby for the mafia, who wanted to cover up their influence.

The word “mafia” never falls

As a reaction to the protests, the words mafia, mobster or the like never appear in “The Godfather”. But there are allusions to real gangsters. Don Vito, the role name of Marlon Brando’s godfather, was also the nickname of real-life mafioso Vito Cascio Ferro. And the cod Corleone alludes to a place in Sicily where the Cosa Nostra is very powerful.

Frank Sinatra had a cold

The Italian-American superstar Frank Sinatra was also opposed to the film. Also because he is said to have been the role model for Johnny Fontane. In the film he is a singer who can’t get anything done without the support of his gangster family. Sinatra, who is said to have some connection to the mafia himself, allegedly once threatened Mario Puzo in a restaurant. It’s said that Johnny Fontane didn’t think of Sinatra at all…

Studio wanted more violence

The ailing studio Paramount Pictures had to land a hit with “The Godfather”. Given the success of the 1969 novel, Paramount had a potential blockbuster in store. But the first test shots were too demanding for those responsible. They wanted more mainstream elements, and threatened Coppola with hiring a “violence coach.” In response, Coppola shot, among other things, the violent argument between Connie Corleone and her husband and other violent scenes.

Real horse head

One of the bloodiest scenes is the infamous horse head scene. A recalcitrant Hollywood producer who doesn’t want to work with the Corleones wakes up to find the severed head of his favorite horse. And it should have been real!

The actors of “The Godfather” – and those who weren’t there

Who should play Michael

Warren Beatty (84), Dustin Hoffman (84), Jack Nicholson (84), Robert Redford (85) or Ryan O’Neal (80): The greatest actors of their generation should or wanted to play the role of Michael Corleone. But Francis Ford Coppola insisted on an unknown Italian-American from the start: Al Pacino (81).

Not only Brando, but also Pacino boycotted the Oscars

Marlon Brando won the Oscar for Best Actor. He stayed away from the award ceremony, he sent the indigenous activist Sacheen Littlefeather (75) to protest against the portrayal of Indians in the film. Al Pacino also boycotted the gala. He was upset that he was considered a supporting actor when he was actually the main character.

Robert De Niro waited in vain

Another Italian-American talent auditioned for the choleric Sonny: Robert De Niro (78). From the test shots there is even a video. But De Niro put the role too brutally on the creators. The equally unknown James Caan (80) got the part. Coppola had that in mind from the start, although Caan doesn’t have Italian roots but German roots. De Niro got the part of the young Vito Corleone in “The Godfather 2”. The result: an Oscar and a world career.

Sylvester Stallone fails the casting

As a young Italian-American, Sylvester Stallone (75), who was still completely unknown, also sought his chance with the godfather. But the future superstar was even rejected as an extra, although 300 people were said to be wanted. Stallone once revealed this with a laugh in an interview.

Who is playing Don Vito?

Marlon Brando (1924-2004) was also always Coppola’s favourite. However, Paramount considered the then 47-year-old to be too young for Don Vito, who was at least twenty years his senior in the book. The studio favored British theater legend Laurence Olivier (1907-1989). When he fell ill, the way was clear for Brando. Another acting giant, Orson Welles, applied, but came too late.

Brando didn’t have paper towels in his mouth while filming

Marlon Brando wanted the aging godfather to look like a bulldog. For this purpose he stuffed paper towels into his cheek pouches during test recordings. Contrary to popular legend, he didn’t have any tissues in his mouth when he was shooting. He got a professional prosthesis.

Stray becomes a secret star

One of the secret stars of “The Godfather” was there by accident: the cat that Marlon Brando is holding in the opening scene. The animal roamed around the set and was impromptu involved.

It stays in the family: The Coppola clan in front of and behind the camera

Francis Ford Coppola was only 31 when it was filmed – and not his first choice

Like most actors, director Francis Ford Coppola wasn’t the bosses’ first choice. Although they wanted a filmmaker with Italian roots to guarantee authenticity. The preferred candidate was Sergio Leone (“Play me the song of death”), but the father of the spaghetti western didn’t want to. After other (non-Italian) greats canceled, the choice fell on the then 31-year-old Coppola. Not only did it have Italian roots, but as a no-name it was also pretty cheap.

Sofia Coppola’s debut

Francis Ford’s daughter Sofia Coppola (50) would later become a great director herself (“Lost in Translation”). She made her film debut in The Godfather when she was three weeks old. She “plays” Michael’s newborn son. Sofia Coppola was also in the two follow-up films, in “The Godfather 3” (1990) even in a leading role.

It stays in the family

Francis Ford Coppola not only housed his daughter, but also the rest of his family. His parents and his two sons have small appearances. And of course his sister: Talia Shire (75), née Coppola, plays Conny Corleone.


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