The government confirms its promise of a food check of 100 euros for the 9 million poorest households

Government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire confirmed on Wednesday June 29 the establishment of a “emergency food aid” 100 euros per household and 50 euros per child, in favor of the nine million poorest households.

At the beginning of June, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, had already announced that the government was preparing a two-step device to counter inflation, within the framework of the bill on purchasing power which should be presented on July 6 in council. ministers: aid for precarious households to cope with inflation, which would be paid at the start of the school year, “directly to the bank account, all at once” ; then the government would launch “a reflection on a targeted device to allow all French people to access quality products, organic products”.

On this second point, Olivia Grégoire, who was traveling to La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, near Nantes, said that it would be a priori“a more qualitative food voucher to access organic, fresh and local products”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The uncertain future of the food voucher, postponed again

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