the government is banking on 3.6 billion euros in savings and the creation of 90,000 jobs

The government expects the unemployment insurance reform to generate 3.6 billion euros in savings and allow the creation of 90,000 jobs, Agence France-Presse (AFP) learned from the Ministry of Labor on Wednesday. May 22.

The executive hopes to achieve these objectives by reforming the rules for compensating job seekers through a decree, the outlines of which are presented by the Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautrin, to several union and employer organizations, before a formal announcement this week next.

At the end of this meeting, the president of the French Management Confederation – General Confederation of Executives (CFE-CGC), François Hommeril, declared that the government intended “harden” the conditions allowing entitlement to unemployment insurance. According to him, the new reform will provide that it will be necessary to have worked eight months in the last twenty months, instead of six months in the last twenty-four months currently.

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The reform unveiled at the start of next week

Mr. Hommeril also reported that the government wanted to create a “bonus upon return to employment” for seniors, but at the same time cap compensation for unemployed people close to retirement. The union representative sees it as a measure “anti-frameworks” And ” intolerable “.

Mr. Hommeril also noted that the government planned, following the pension reform and the increase in the retirement age to 64, a modification of the age limits giving entitlement to a longer period of compensation. These limits must be raised by two years. The possibility of a deficiency before the start of compensation and that of a modification of the duration of compensation were, however, not mentioned.

The minister must still receive the social partners on Thursday. According to those around her, she wants “the government copy may evolve following these consultations”while the reform must be unveiled at the beginning of next week.

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