the government specifies the timetable for reforms

The government will make announcements on new unemployment insurance rules at the end of the week, before a major labor reform expected in the fall, and will present its bill on juvenile justice from the summer, said Sunday Matignon, confirming information from the JDD.

A press conference by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and Minister of Labor Catherine Vautrin will be organized at the end of the week, Matignon said, while the government has announced that it wants tighten certain unemployment insurance rules to encourage the resumption of activity.

The Minister of Labor had already announced that he himself will set the new rules for compensation by a deficiency decree with a effective July 1due to lack of agreement reached between the social partners on life at work and the employment of seniors.

Almost nine months of work required?

The executive mentions certain avenues, in particular on the France Travail affiliation conditions: to benefit from unemployment, it will be necessary have worked nine months over the last two yearsand no longer six.

Unemployment insurance: this big vagueness surrounding your compensation from July 2024

A new labor lawwith measures to make life easier for businesses, particularly SMEs, is also still expected in the fall, confirmed Matignon.

Juvenile justice bill

Gabriel Attal has also refined in recent days the timetable for a bill on juvenile justice, which will be present from the summer as incidents of violence involving young people mar the news of recent weeks.

The text will include measures such as the immediate appearance procedure for minorsmeasurements of accountability for failing fathers and the establishment of a scale of sanctions-reparations inflicted on parents in the event of material damage caused by their child, according to Matignon.

The Prime Minister, who has begun consultations on the subject in recent days, will receive this week Eric Dupond-Moretti (Justice), Grald Darmanin (Interior) and Nicole Belloubet (Education). Gabriel Attal ruled out the idea of ​​suspending or eliminating family allowances to the homes of young delinquents, Matignon said.

Along with the bill, the government will present new measures to force parents to react from the first alert regarding their children’s behavior at school, it was added.

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