the government wants to change the rules of compensation “before the end of the year”

The contours of the unemployment insurance reform, promise of Emmanuel Macron for his second term, are becoming clearer. Tuesday August 30, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, confirmed, during his visit to the Medef summer universities, at the Longchamp racecourse, in Paris, that the bill would be put on the table in the Council of ministers on Wednesday September 7 to then be examined in the National Assembly, the first week of October.

As a priority, the bill must “extend the application of the bonus-malus until the end of August 2024” companies in certain sectors that rely heavily on short-term contracts. It should also make it possible to postpone until the end of 2023 the compensation rules resulting from the 2019 reform – which entered into force in 2021 because of the crisis linked to Covid-19 – and which end on October 31. The government wants to take advantage of this to introduce new rules with the principle of “countercyclicality”, that is to say a modulation of allowances according to the economic situation. “When things are going well, we tighten the rules and when things are going badly, we relax them”, declared Olivier Dussopt, July 27, to Parisian.

Read the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: towards a modulation of the rules according to the economic situation

In the wake of the Council of Ministers, these new terms will be submitted to the social partners. “As soon as we want the introduction of a new rule, it is a good policy to seek social dialogue, explains Olivier Dussopt. Depending on the deadline given to the social partners, depending on their ability to find an agreement or not, we will have an outcome or a finding of a deficiency. Then, we will issue a decree, either to apply the agreement or to define the rules. »

High tensions

A negotiation that is however likely to come to an end. The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, opposed an end of inadmissibility to the principle of modulation of the allowances, Tuesday August 30, in The world. “It doesn’t make sense, it’s pure ideology and it’s ineffective. We won’t negotiate on that.”, he assured. For its part, employers are calling on the government to regain control rather than engage in a dead-end discussion. “We have a lot of discussions with the trade unions on this subject of compensation and we have differences of opinion on the diagnosis. Putting ourselves in a negotiation syringe which we know in advance will not succeed, is doing a disservice to social dialogue and the social partners”said Tuesday morning, the boss of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, during a press conference.

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