the government will propose a one-year postponement, according to professionals

The government will propose the extension for one more year of the reduced rates of non-road diesel (GNR), which were to end on January 1, 2023 for building and public works companies, professionals told AFP on Friday.

An increase in non-road diesel – via the removal of a tax advantage – was due to take place on January 1, 2023. But last March, the Minister for the Economy and Finance stressed that the conditions were no longer met to put in implement this increase given the increase in prices, and that it would be up to parliament to establish a timetable in the next finance law.

Friday, a telephone meeting was held between the office of the Minister for Energy Transition and the employers’ organizations of the sectors using the GNR, in particular the construction industry, indicated representatives of these professions.

The Minister for Energy Transition will propose in the next amending finance law (following the legislative elections, editor’s note) the extension of the reduced rates for the GNR to January 1, 2024, indicated in a press release to the organization CNATP (artisans public and landscape).

The French Building Federation (FFB) also informed AFP of the minister’s announcement of the postponement of the entry into force of the measures until January 1, 2024.

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With the situation a little complicated, the rise in prices, the idea was to say: + it’s not the time, we push back for a year +. The GNR will remain at a reduced rate at least until January 1, 2024, it is almost agreed to discuss it again next year depending on the economic situation. Afterwards, the proposal must be validated by the new deputies, David Lemaire, secretary general of the CNATP, told AFP.

Measures to support the purchasing power of households in the face of inflation must be enshrined after the legislative elections in two pieces of legislation, including an amending finance law.

The minister, contacted by AFP, did not wish to comment.

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