the greening of agreements takes its time

Two years after the Climate and Resilience law of August 22, 2021, which notably added environmental issues to the prerogatives of the social and economic committees (CSE), “the subject of ecological transition has taken a somewhat second place given current events (purchasing power, war in Ukraine, etc.), notes Alexis Bugada, professor of law at the University of Aix-Marseille. However, the summer we have just experienced has forcefully reminded us of the reality of climate change..

Arnaud Casado, lecturer at the University of Paris-I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, specializing in environmental social law, gives a mixed assessment of the Climate and Resilience Law: “Even if environmental issues are rising in companies, the latter suffer from a lack of training on these subjects, and the CSEs from a lack of resources to really be able to tackle these issues. The Climate and Resilience Law has not revolutionized things. »

CSE elected officials are the first to lack skills on the subject: only 15% of them have been trained in environmental subjects, according to a survey carried out in September by the Syndex firm. Only 10% of them feel competent.

Legal and practical benchmarks

Antoine Msika is responsible for the ecological transition at Shine, an online bank for professionals (Société Générale). This summer he joined the Ecological Spring union “in order to have an additional entry point on the subject”, he explains. He is a member of the CSE and union delegate. He estimates that “the fact that the environment is now a subject of discussion between the CSEs and management is a good first step, but only one step”.

The attempt to green social dialogue continued in 2023 through a national interprofessional agreement (ANI) on ecological transition and social dialogue, signed on April 11 by three employers’ organizations (Medef, CPME and Union of Local Enterprises) and by two union confederations (CFDT and CFTC). The fifty-page agreement offers both legal (legislative and regulatory provisions in force) and practical benchmarks in order to fuel discussions with examples of actions by area: responsible purchasing, human resources management, work organization, etc.

“This is an impetus agreement which offers companies decryption and reading keys to implement the Climate lawexplains Fabien Guimbretière, national secretary of the CFDT, responsible for the just ecological transition. It is in companies that changes must be driven. »

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