the health pass extended to children from 3 years old in Israel


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On August 11, the Israeli government announced that children over 3 years old will be required to present a “green badge” to enter certain public places.

In order to counter the spread of the Delta variant, Israel announced to extend the health pass to children over 3 years old, Wednesday (August 11th), reports France Info. This measure, already in place for children over 12 since July 29, requires parents to present a “green badge” (name given to the pass in the country) for their offspring, if they wish to go to certain public places. The principle is the same as in France: this pass must present proof of complete vaccination, a negative test or proof of recovery from covid-19.

The Jewish state was one of the first to mass vaccinate the population last December. In June, the Israeli Minister of Health gave the green light to the vaccination of vulnerable children from the age of 5. Either those likely to develop “significant risks of serious illness or death following infection with the new coronavirus ”. This measure took effect on August 1. Note that vaccination had already been extended to all young people over 12 years old.

In the meantime, children who cannot be vaccinated will have to be tested if they accompany their parents. Still according to France Info, Israel has also set up rapid antigen testing stations across the country. This screening costs 52 shekels, or about 17 euros, adds the news site.

In France, the health pass will be compulsory for children over 12 from August 30. It remains to be seen whether the government will decide to extend it, too, to children over 3 years old in the future.

Journalist specializing in parenthood, Elise writes for aufeminin and Parole de mamans. She is also very involved in the fight for women’s rights. If you only have to remember …