the heartbreaking words of the relatives of the young woman at her funeral

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After three months of searching, the body of 22-year-old Leslie Hoorelbeke was found in a forest. Saturday March 18, his relatives and strangers gathered in La Rochelle.

Two days after the funeral of Kevin Trompat, in Niort (Deux-Sèvres), Leslie Hoorelbeke’s funeral, open to all, took place at the La Rochelle crematorium (Charente Maritime). After three months of research, their bodies were found on March 3 and 4 in Charente-Maritime: one in a field in Puyravault, the other 5 km away, in the woods, near the town of Virson. . In La Rochelle, some 300 people gathered on Saturday March 18 at 2:30 p.m.braving the pouring rain to welcome the coffin where the 22-year-old young woman rests, tell our colleagues from the Western Mail. Originally from Thairé d’Aunis (Charente-Maritime), house painter, Leslie had been in a relationship with Kevin for a few weeks.

Leslie’s beaming smile lit up the photos of her, projected on a large screen. His relatives have multiplied the tributes to the young woman. You were a child of the sun. They took you away from us, but you will remain our star. We’ll take care of your dad and Swan [le frère jumeau de Leslie, NDLR]. We love you madly, our beautiful princess”, said her mother-in-law, Émilie Cardré. Maëlle, a friend of Leslie, bade her farewell: “My Leslie, I love you forever. You took full advantage of every second of life. You were a little shrimp. I will live for you. You leave a huge void around you. Nicolas and Germain, two friends of the young woman, paid tribute to her in music. They revisited “La Bohème” by Charles Aznavour: “They left without knowing it towards a hopeless end where the devil was watching them. Prahecq seems sad to me, Leslie and Kevin are dead.” Leslie’s uncle wanted to thank the one who “[l’a] welcomed”at a time when he was not “in great shape”. He continued: “But Leslie supported me. The context made me get closer to his brother and his father. She was my favorite niece. I will always be there with you.”

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Two privileged motives

The bereaved relatives of the young couple are still waiting for answers. The investigation continues to shed light on the circumstances of their deathcaused by a “blunt object“according to the Poitiers prosecutor’s office. Three suspects were arrested : Tom T., who hosted Leslie and Kevin the evening of their disappearance, Nathan B. and Enzo C. The first is indicted for kidnapping and forcible confinement; the other two for assassination and modification of the inventory of a crime. For the moment, the public prosecutor favors two tracks: one “sentimental disappointment or financial debts”.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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