The hero of Doom The Dark Ages is inspired by Aragorn from Lord of the Rings and Leonidas from 300

Game news The hero of Doom The Dark Ages is inspired by Aragorn from Lord of the Rings and Leonidas from 300

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If you’re looking for action without downtime to feel like a weapon in a medieval war against hell, id Software’s software definitely seems made for you.

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A true star of the Xbox Games Showcase alongside Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Fable and Perfect Dark, DOOM: The Dark Ages caused a sensation when it was officially announced. This nervous FPS fashioned by id Software which takes place before the events of Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal plans to put players once again in the armor of the Slayer, the legendary demon-slaying warrior who stands against the armies of hell. In this unusual medieval universe for the saga, the hero is equipped with a shield which can also be transformed into a destructive weapon. Just after the release of the trailer, fans were definitely reassured: despite the presence of castles and trebuchets, the essence of Doom is more than ever present with its monsters which number in the dozens, its weapons as original as they are devastating and Heavy Metal to blast the speakers. Explosions, violence, big guns, chainsaw… everything that made Doom so successful seems present, with obviously some tempting new features like being able to fly on the back of a dragon.

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Asked at GamesRadar, Hugo Martin, the creative director of the title, revealed several juicy details. He assures that the weapons of The Dark Ages are “the most powerful” never seen in a Doom game and that “chainsaw shield” should greatly appeal to budding warriors. “You will have this shield in your hand at all times, you will actually have a dual weapon” he said, before adding: “There are lots of things you can do with it. You can block attacks, parry projectiles, use melee weapons to combine attacks, to solve problems”.

In addition, the director confided that the clashes will be of a magnitude like we have rarely seen in a Doo game: “you are a weapon of mass destruction in this game. We like to say that this is a medieval war against the forces of hell and everything is going wrong. The good guys are losing and you’re the nuclear option, and we’re putting you in the driver’s seat”. In order to provide an image that will speak to the film buff, Hugo Martin adds: “I want players to feel like Aragorn or Leonidas at Hot Gates 300. You are the hero of a massive battle in an FPS, in a Doom game at that. It seemed like a really fun challenge for the team to take on, and I think we accomplished it”, he says. We can’t wait to check this out! Release planned for 2025 on Xbox Series X|S, PC and PS5. The title will be available in “day one” in Game Pass.

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