The Hobbit: Peter Jackson justifies a detail that made fans scream


Director Peter Jackson has returned to one of the most controversial elements of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and the reasons for its appearance: the giant rabbits of Radagast.

One of the most contested artistic choices of An Unexpected Journey, the first part of the Hobbit trilogy, is the sleigh of the magician Radagast le Brun, driven by giant rabbits. Never seen in the universe created by JRR Tolkien, the presence of these creatures has greatly disappointed fans.

In the feature’s audio commentary, co-writer and producer Philippa Boyens recalls the cast’s amazement when Jackson presented his plan to place gigantic rabbits in Middle-earth, dubbed the “rabbits of Rhosgobel”:

“When you came up with this idea, we all thought you were nuts. In the end, it’s brilliant.”

Warner Bros.

Radagast and his sleigh

Jackson acknowledges that the choice may seem surprising and here is how he justifies it, still in the audio commentary:

“Yes, I had the idea for the rabbit sled two years ago. I read a story on the internet about the biggest rabbits in the world. They are huge! They are the size of German shepherds and children adopt them.”

The King Kong director continues:

When I was a child, I would have killed to have such an animal. And I thought to myself, ‘if we have rabbits that big, maybe Radagast could have several?

And that’s how this idea was born, from a hypothesis and a sudden desire of Peter Jackson.

Warner Bros.


simple messenger in The Lord of the Rings literary version, Radagast is absent from The Hobbit and simply mentioned in The Silmarillion. His only appearance in the Hobbit trilogy is all the more incongruous to Tolkien fans. At least they now know the reason behind the existence of his strange sled.


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