The housing bill examined in the Snat from June 17

The government has placed its housing bill on the Senate agenda, which will be examined from June 17 in the upper house, according to the Upper Assembly’s calendar refined on Wednesday during a Conference of Presidents.

The text of the law presented at the beginning of May to the Council of Ministers will first pass through the Luxembourg Palace before going to the National Assembly. The Senate has set aside three days to consider it, from June 17 to 19. A solemn vote will be organized on Tuesday June 25 at 2:30 p.m.

In an attempt to unblock the residential path of the French, the government is affecting several rules of social housing in this bill led by Minister Guillaume Kasbarian, a reform much criticized on the left and by HLM tenant associations.

Particularly targeted: the announced relaxation of the SRU law, which imposes social housing quotas on cities. The executive hopes that out-of-the-way municipalities will be able, in the future, to integrate intermediate housing, intended more for the middle classes, into part of their production.

The text will first be examined in committee on June 5.

This bill on housing is one of the three major government texts that the Senate will examine during a very busy month of June, after the simplification bill (from June 3 on first reading) and before the bill of agricultural orientation law.

Currently being discussed in the National Assembly, the latter will arrive in the chamber of the upper house from Monday June 24.

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