the huge end of year release finally available, it clearly divides

Netflix is ​​hosting its biggest release of the end of the year, and the film is extremely divisive. On the one hand he is cut, on the other he is almost adored. In any case, he knows how to create an event.

Netflix is ​​bringing out the big guns for the end of the year with a crazy quantity of films and series. The SVOD platform is slowly preparing for its year 2024, which already promises to be busy. We were able to get a little glimpse of what awaits us in the months to come and it’s extremely promising, casually. However, Netflix has announced that it wants to slow down the production of XXL films and projects, we will see. Anyway, today, two days before Christmas, one of the biggest releases of the year has just landed on the platform. A highly anticipated film but which is already chilling. And it’s not because of the weather.

A highly anticipated Netflix release, but which divides enormously

We are of course talking about Rebel Moon. A very ambitious feature film which will be entitled to a second part from 2024. The film is directed by Zack Snyder, a director who has as many fans as detractors. Dawn of the Dead, 300, Sucker Punch, Man of Steel, Justice League (at the beginning)… that’s him. The man enjoys a certain aura with a fanbase who swears by his productions, yet his filmography clearly blows hot and cold. Some of these features are memorable, others barely passable. So where does Rebel Moon fit into all this? Well, more than ever, it depends a lot on points of view.

No one agrees, but the film gets people talking

As for the press and critics, the feedback is mostly catastrophic. Rotten Tomatoes has a score of 23%, which is frankly low. To compare, Dawn of the Dead is at 76%, 300 at 65% or even Man of Steel at 56%. Rebel Moon is currently one of the director’s worst films according to the press, it is barely above Sucker Punch and its 22% and below Batman VS Superman. It’s clearly not up to par. Many talk about a deluge of meaningless special effects, a downright artistically vomitous film and a worn-out slow motion effect.

On the other hand, on the spectator side, the Rotten Tomatoes cursor is in the green with a nice 76%. A score which according to them places him not far fromArmy of the Dead, Man of Steel or Dawn of the Dead. Many praise quality entertainment, a classic but gripping storyline, lots of action and very good special effects. Two rooms, two atmospheres, Rebel Moon clearly divides.

rotten tomatoes

Rebel Moon, the launch of a whole new saga?

Either way, you can now form your own opinion since Rebel Moon is now available on Netflix. As a reminder, the film will make us follow the fight of a mysterious young woman who goes on a crusade against a tyrannical government which sows chaos wherever it goes, even in the countryside, lost on a small planet where she has taken up residence. Initially, the film was pitched to become a Star Wars, but without success. Snyder then said to himself that creating his own universe would ultimately be the best option. The similarities with Star Wars, on the other hand, are very numerous and very marked, although the Snyder touch is felt from the trailer. Carried by the sublime Sofia Boutella in the main role, the film promises to be quite explosive in any case. A sequel is already planned for 2024 and if the results are good, we may be entitled to other sequels, who knows. A Rebel Moon video game is also in the works.

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