The hypothesis of Emmanuel Macron’s resignation is gaining ground among the candidates for the Élysée


Jacques Serais / Photo credits: Xose Bouzas / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

Emmanuel Macron, who seemed ready on Wednesday to appoint Xavier Bertrand as the new Prime Minister, has backtracked and is exploring other options, including that of the former right-wing European Commissioner Michel Barnier. Nearly two months after the second round of the legislative elections, a little tune is rising: that of the early departure of the head of state.

Still no new Prime Minister at Matignon. The Head of State is blocking and seems to be without a solution in the face of the risks of censorship of his two preferred leads, namely Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand. The 50-day mark without a fully-fledged government has passed and now a little tune is starting to rise, that of an early departure of the President of the Republic.

Emmanuel Macron at an impasse

This is a hypothesis that is gaining ground and Emmanuel Macron, in spite of himself, is reinforcing it. By taking so long to appoint a new Prime Minister, the President of the Republic is revealing the impasse in which he finds himself.

The left is seizing this issue: 81 rebellious and environmentalist deputies have signed a motion to dismiss the head of state. A procedure that has no chance of succeeding but raises this subject in the public debate, at the very moment when one of his former Prime Ministers is not ruling out this possibility. Édouard Philippe indicates that he is ready, even in the event of an early presidential election. Enough to give credence to a scenario that until now seemed unthinkable in the eyes of the presidential camp.

Emmanuel Macron’s close entourage is offended by this, but the idea is taking hold to the point of making early supporters doubt. The more days go by without a nomination at Matignon, the more the tenant of the Élysée will find himself under direct pressure.


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