The ID.Buzz is a huge success and it will be entitled to a muscular version!

Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

January 14, 2023 at 10:45 a.m.


VW ID.Buzz © © Volkswagen


The German manufacturer can rub its hands, more than 10,000 ID.Buzz are currently awaiting delivery.

In total, more than 26,600 copies have been ordered since the opening of presales in May 2022.

A real success for ID.Buzz!

Officially presented a little less than a year ago, Volkswagen’s first 100% electric Combi, the ID.Buzz exceeded all the expectations of its parent. So much so that, since September, Volkswagen has been accelerating production, in order to satisfy as many orders as possible. In November and December, the manufacturer delivered 30% more vehicles than the previous year over the same period.

Presentation-Volkswagen-ID-Buzz © Soufyane Benhammouda for Clubic

© Clubic

The German brand specifies in particular that 10,800 copies of the ID. Buzz came out of the production workshops of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicleslocated in Hanover (Stöcken), and that 6,000 have already been delivered to customers.

A GTX version coming soon

In the summer of 2022, Volkswagen unveiled an Obi-Wan Kenobi edition of its ID.Buzz. In the course of 2023, the German manufacturer will expand its catalog, this time offering a GTX version of its 100% electric Combi.

This will be a version athletic of the ID.Buzz, with a GTX version which should display a power of around 340 hp, more than the ID.4 and ID.5 GTX. The ID Buzz GTX will benefit from dual motorization and all-wheel drive. To this will be added a specific interior, new colors for the bodywork and ” some additional features “.

© Clubic

The ID Buzz marks a crucial step in our efforts to increase the share of electric vehicles to 55% of sales by the start of the next decade, a target included in our GRIP 2030 strategic program explains Lars Krause, Member of the Management Board of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles responsible for Sales and Marketing.

And that’s not all, since Volkswagen should also launch this year a version ” big size » of his electric Combi, which should have an additional extension of about 25 cm. Enough to allow seven passengers to sit on board, on seats that can rotate 180°.

Source : Coach

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