The incredible photo of this telecommuting scientist during her CNN interview will speak to all parents

For a filmed interview, this American mom shared her obstacle course to do her job at home, taking care of her two children at the same time.

Gretchen Goldman wears a double hat: mom and scientist. While in the middle of an interview, this Wednesday, September 16, by CNN, she did not hesitate to show behind the scenes, a reality experienced by many parents.

Telework requires, she had to prepare in 45 minutes at home, for an interview on CNN, concerning the appointment by Donald Trump of a climate skeptic at the Agency on the ocean and the atmosphere. During this short period of time, the scientist also had to look after her 4 and 2 year old children, find a clean and quiet part of the house to film herself and remove bulky games.

To film herself, she had the idea of ​​placing her laptop on a chair perched on the coffee table. She then scattered the toys all over the room, for lack of time to put them away. Finally, she put on a yellow top but she remained in shorts. "You want this to look reasonably professional"Gretchen Goldman tells Insider. "Just so that it's not distracting or unprofessional in some way."

"I wanted to be honest about this situation"

After her interview, the scientist shared a photo from her interview on the channel and a photo of the entire room to show the shambles around her. “Just to be honest”, she wrote in the photo, which gets 220,000 likes on Twitter. A situation shared by many parents since confinement.

By sharing her daily working mom, she reassured other mothers by showing them that they are not alone. "I wanted to be honest about this situation", Gretchen told the Insider. "We're all in a lot of trouble now, and parents have really been put in an impossible situation. Support systems have been torn apart, and we're expected to do our jobs as if nothing has changed."

Most importantly, to prove that moms don't have to be perfect and put pressure on themselves. "I am very angry about this situation", she confides. “This is a huge problem that is going to send women 50 years back into the workforce. All of the progress we have made over the past decades is going to come to naught and we are not even aware of it. 'This is hardly a conversation at the national level. At the federal level, it's just a small piece of the map ", she concludes.

Thanks to this super mom!

He imagines the Disney characters in confinement and it is to die for laughing

Video by Clemence Chevallet