The intersyndicale calls for mobilization “against austerity” during a day of action Friday, October 13

The inter-union is making its comeback with renewed watchwords. In a joint press release published Monday, August 28, the eight main employee organizations call for mobilization in favor of the “purchasing power”of “gender equality” And “against austerity”. After having fought – without success – the pension reform throughout the first half of the year, the workers’ representatives want to show that they continue to fight together on other issues. Their demands are, at this stage, very general, but they have the firm intention of giving voice, on October 13, during a day of action promoted by the European Trade Union Confederation.

The fact of being part of an initiative at the level of the Old Continent is in no way a surprise. Such a step had been considered, on June 15, during the previous meeting of the inter-union, which had recorded the end of the battle against the decline in the legal retirement age. While reaffirming their hostility to this parametric measure, a source of ” anger (…) intact » among the population, employee movements are on the offensive again, in forms that have yet to be refined. On October 13, there will – of course – be demonstrations and rallies throughout France. Strikes could also be called: this option was mentioned when the leaders of the eight unions exchanged by videoconference, on August 25, on the content of the press release issued on Monday, “but it must still be debated by the authorities of each organization before – possibly – being retained”explains Frédéric Souillot, general secretary of Force Ouvrière.

Grievance already raised in recent months, the increase in wages – in particular the minimum wage – as well as the increase in pensions and social minima appear, this time, in priority number one. While the profits of large groups “explode”the signatories of the joint declaration plead “for a better sharing of the wealth produced” : It is ” more than ever (…) imperative », they write. They urge employers, both private and public, “to open negotiations at all levels”.

“Our organizations remain united”

Other themes are reviewed, through considerations closer to the slogan than to the specific request: “engage in a socially just ecological transition”, conditioning community aid granted to businesses, strengthening public services, revising the “Macron orders” of September 2017 and the law on the transformation of the public service of August 2019, which complicated the task of elected personnel, etc. . The inter-union also displays its determination a few days before the launch of two important negotiations: one on unemployment insurance, which will try to revisit the rules of compensation for job seekers; the other on supplementary pensions – with the question, in particular, of the revaluation of the level of benefits. Discussions between social partners should contribute to improving ” rights (…) workers “underline the authors of the text.

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