The investigation will begin on January 29 in Chronique des Silencieux

After offering a demo last October, point and click Chronicle of the Silent brings back its news in a trailer. The French studio Pierre Feuille Studio takes the opportunity to announce the release of its title for January 29, 2024 on PC via Steam.

The new trailer is an opportunity to highlight the historical narrative and aesthetic of Chronicle of the Silent. A story that takes place in France in the 1970s where players will be able to slip into the shoes of Eugène Faury, a young private detective. Hired to investigate the life of Victor Dousvalon, an old and stubborn history professor, Eugène will have to use many stratagems. Indeed, Professor Dousvalon is known for having surrounded his life with numerous secrets.

To carry out your investigation successfully, you will have to dig through the family papers as well as question the different characters who populate the life of Victor Dousvalon. But of course, you will also have to know how to distinguish between lies and truth.

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