The iPhone 15 Pro Max is much more fragile than we think, video proof

Every year, Apple’s iPhones are generally examples in terms of durability, particularly thanks to the materials used by the company. However, the iPhone 15 Pro Max seems much more fragile than its predecessors.

Credit: JerryRigEverything

Popular YouTuber JerryRigEverything just received Apple’s latest iPhone 15 Pro Max, and if you know him, you probably know what happened to the smartphone. Like many other devices, the iPhone 15 Pro Max has gone through an extreme resistance test to ensure its quality, but above all its durability.

Historically, Apple’s iPhones have been true champions in the field, apart from the iPhone 6, which could easily transform into a foldable smartphone. Most newer iPhones didn’t flinch during the various stages of the test, but the latest iPhone 15 Pro Max had a bad time.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max is less durable than the iPhone 14 Pro Max

During its test, JerryRigEverything first starts to scratch the smartphone. In particular, he discovers that the screen is much more resistant than the most high-end Android smartphones. Although it is still glass, scratches at level 6 on the Mohs scale are almost invisible. Apple therefore did not lie, we are dealing with the most resistant screen on the market.

The photo sensors and the back of the smartphone are also well protected from scratches. For the lighter test, the iPhone 15 Pro Max shines again. The screen seems invulnerable to heatunlike most of its competitors.

However, as you can see in the full video below, things go wrong during the famous bend test. If iPhone 15 Pro Max does not bend on pressure, something quite strange is happening. Indeed, the glass back breaks quickly. It therefore seems that this model is really fragile, so we can only advise you to be careful if you have one.

Apple had perhaps anticipated this problem by changing the design of its smartphone to allow easier and less expensive replacement of this surface. The iPhone 15 Pro Max seems to be the only model affected, since the iPhone 15 Pro did not crack during the same test.

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