the key stages in the development of the child at this age

The overall development of a child is assessed according to his physical, intellectual and emotional capacities. At 5 years old, a child can already do a lot of things. Here are the key stages in its development and some tips and game ideas to help it progress.

Between the ages of 1 and 13, children continually acquire new skills in different developmental spheres:

  • gross motor skills
  • fine motor skills
  • language
  • cognition
  • social / emotional development

Although each child is unique and develops at their own pace, key stages occur at specific ages or age groups. In other words, at a given age, most children have mastered certain skills. In particular, this allows doctors and specialists in child development to see if the child is growing and progressing normally.

What are the physical capacities of a 5 year old child?

We distinguish fine motor skills (what he can do with his hands) from gross motor skills (what he can do with his whole body).

At 5 years old, a child becomes more and more skilled manually. He knows :

  • cut out simple geometric shapes from paper.
  • color without going beyond.
  • hold a pencil.
  • draw characters with a head, arms, legs and trunk, but also animals and buildings with details.
  • write his first name, the letters of the alphabet, numbers and even a few short sentences.
  • open a large number of packages.

On the gross motor side, a child of this age knows:

  • jumprope.
  • jump to a height of 0.5 meters.
  • avoid obstacles in a course while running.
  • roll forward.
  • do push-ups.
  • jumping on foot.

What are the intellectual capacities of a 5 year old child?

By the age of 5, most children are able to recite the alphabet. It is estimated that they know between 4000 and 5000 words and learn 6 to 9 words per day. They begin to identify the first syllable of certain words. It is the beginning of learning to read even if the child really begins to read around 6 or 7 years old.

Language side, he speaks more clearly and pronounces complex sentences, in particular to describe objects or events. He hardly makes any mistakes in pronunciation and grammar anymore.

Also, he has a better understanding of the notion of time. Thus, a 5 year old child understands verbal explanations of past or future phenomena and situations. And good news for parents, 5-year-olds understand double lockers! You can therefore ask your toddler to put his toys away in his room before going to wash his hands to eat. For his part, he will not hesitate to come and start a conversation with you but will also be able to wait his turn before speaking.

How does a 5 year old behave?

At 5 years old, children seek the approval of adults, especially their parents (they seek to please them). They know better and better how to control their emotions. However, they are more and more involved in conflicts with their peers but fortunately they learn at this age to resolve them in order to get rid of their frustration and to have better self-esteem. They may thus feel remorse for some of their actions and try to be forgiven (hugging for example).

At home, but also outside (at school for example), the 5-year-old understands and is able to respect a certain number of rules. He also knows very well how to point out to an adult when another child does not respect such and such a rule. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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The 5-year-old is more independent

At this age, the child can participate in certain household chores: take out the trash, put away his toys, make his bed, put his clothes in the dirty laundry … etc. Likewise, he can normally dress and undress without the help or supervision of an adult. For the toilet, he can shower alone but the supervision of an adult remains necessary. The same goes for brushing your teeth.
A 5-year-old child asks his parents less to play than before because he knows how to take care of himself for 20 to 30 minutes. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

What games / toys for a 5 year old child?

A 5 year old is drawn to competitive games because he wants to win. He likes to cut shapes and color without going over the lines even if he doesn’t do it perfectly yet.
Between 3 and 5 years old, children enjoy imaginative games and role-playing games.

Here are some game and toy ideas for a 5 year old (which are also great birthday gift ideas for a 5 year old!):

Board games to teach him how to play with others and wait his turn

Puzzles and memory games to exercise patience and perseverance

Disguises and role-playing / imitation games to give free rein to your imagination

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Toys to let off steam and develop motor skills

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