the king intends to distance himself from Elizabeth II

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Tomorrow, Saturday May 6, 2023, Great Britain marks a turning point in its history, King Charles III is crowned seventy years after that of the late Queen Elizabeth II. How will the future king try to distance himself from his mother?

Last straight line for the King Charles IIItomorrow, Saturday, May 6, 2023, the festivities for his coronation begin. While the first months of his reign were quite hectic between controversy and rumors, the big day finally arrives. Not long ago we learned of the solitary arrival of Prince Harry at the coronation, new information has also leaked concerning the place that the Duke of Sussex will occupy during this historic event. A place that many consider a humiliation. Yet it is with great fanfare that this royal episode is preparing.

The ceremony will be scrutinized down to the smallest detail, which is why King Charles III does not want to leave anything to chance. More than seventy years after his mother’s coronation, it is a completely different era that he must face. But how did the future king wish to stand out from the reign of Elizabeth II? Due to the economic crisis, it was by taking into account the demands of his people that the monarch decided that less lavish festivities are organized. The coronation will therefore beshorter and cheaper” than that of Queen Elizabeth II, an hour against more than three for that of the late Queen.

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Fewer guests and more inclusiveness

Although the coronation takes place at Westminster Abbey like that of Queen Elizabeth II, the king Charles III invited far fewer guests to see him ascend the throne. When in 1953 stands were built to accommodate the Queen’s 8,000 guests, It is ” only » 2000 people invited by the monarch. The king also wanted this ceremony is more rooted in the modern world and therefore much more inclusive. This is why invitations have been sent to representatives of different religions in order and need to reflect a decidedly more diverse population than in his mother’s day. It is also more than 850 volunteers from associations recognized for having rendered service to the country that the king has decided to invite to the ceremony.

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The king’s commitment to the environment honored

As revealed by the BBC News sometime ago, the oil used during the coronation for the anointing of Charles III will be entirely vegan. It is only composed of olive oil flavored with rose, jasmine, cinnamon, neroli, sesame and orange blossom. The monarch also wished to show his commitment through an invitation and a coronation bible centered around nature (floral motifs, bees, butterflies, etc.). The Archbishop of Canterbury has also spoken on this subject for theTimes: design “draws inspiration from both historic coronation bibles and Her Majesty’s love of nature».

THE coronation menu was also chosen in this line, no meat will not be offered during this meal. The foods chosen are all simple and cheap like the spinach quiche offered.

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