The kiwi, one product, two possibilities

Deciduous climbing fruit shrub, the kiwi, or kiwitier Actinidia deliciosa, originates from southeast China. Nicknamed “Chinese gooseberry” or “vegetable mouse” because of its hairy-skinned fruit, this liana plant has been recognized for millennia in Asia for its medicinal properties and for the fibers of its stems, from which paper is made. .

Adapted to subtropical regions, the kiwi can withstand winter temperatures down to -15°C.

The kiwi was introduced in England in 1847, then in France, at the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris, in 1899. But it is especially in New Zealand, where it is cultivated and selected to obtain the tastiest and juiciest varieties, that we are passionate about this fruit at the beginning of the XXand century. Bruno, with cylindrical fruit, Abbott, with elongated fruit, or Hayward, with large oval fruit, are among the first varieties cultivated in New Zealand, the leading exporter (90% of world production), and which gave it its name “kiwi fruit”, in reference to the endemic bird of this southern zone. .

Today, kiwi cultivation is widespread in France, especially in the Adour valley and in Corsica. Adapted to subtropical regions, the kiwi can withstand winter temperatures down to -15°C, provided it is sheltered from the wind and severe spring frosts. The yellow kiwi, Actinidia chinensis, and the small kiwaï (which is eaten with the skin), Actinidia arguta, are other species of the actinidaceae family.

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Rich in fiber and antioxidants, the kiwi is also an excellent source of vitamin C. Ripe to perfection, it is eaten cut in half and with a teaspoon, but can also be peeled and sliced ​​in a fruit salad or a savory salad. sweet. It perfectly balances the astringency of spinach, the spiciness of radish or the bitterness of endive.


Mixed and combined, for example, with fennel, apple and ginger, the kiwi turns into a tonic juice with powerful virtues – especially for cardiovascular health. Pounded in a mortar, with a little tahini (sesame cream), lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper, the very ripe kiwi becomes a delicious condiment to sublimate all kinds of dishes.

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