The Knight Witch: an editor and a gameplay trailer for the magical shoot’em up

Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team like long names and metroidvania. He is currently developing The Knight Witch, a shoot ’em up old school with action, exploration and even a card system. The title is today a publisher, who shares a new trailer:

Team17 will therefore take care of publishing The Knight Witch on computers and consoles when it is released, later in the year. The studio takes the opportunity to take stock of this very attractive title which will take us to the underground city of Dungeonidas to face golems with magical powers.

  • Sorcery of spells shoot’em up : Face evil enemies and choose between Rayne’s magic or her weapons and her mind to eliminate them.
  • Body and mind, the duality of Knight Witch Customize Rayne’s style, level up her Knight skills for a frenzied shoot’em-up experience, or boost her Witch magic to explore different deck-building strategies with over 30 unique Spell cards to choose from.
  • Cultivate trust and lasting relationships : Knight Witches grow stronger when they receive trust and gratitude, and there are many ways to do this… not all sincere. It’s up to you to choose between popularity or honesty.
  • Modular accessibility : The Knight Witch was designed as a barrier-free Metroidvania; featuring an intuitive switchable “auto-aim” system, world-changing cheats and a navigation system centered around the main story. Players never get lost and can adapt the game to their level.
  • Super Mega Team : The Knight Witch is brought to you by a team of seasoned developers who have already authored titles like RiME, Moonlighter and Plants VS Zombies.

The Knight Witch is expected sometime in 2022 on PC, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. You can find pictures on the second page, and Rhyme to €31.49 on Gamesplanet.

Writer – Tester

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